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Text File  |  2010-10-15  |  206KB  |  5,965 lines

  1. object FrameAccounts: TFrameAccounts
  2.   Left = 0
  3.   Top = 0
  4.   Width = 852
  5.   Height = 603
  6.   TabOrder = 0
  7.   object Accounts: TTntPanel
  8.     Left = 0
  9.     Top = 0
  10.     Width = 852
  11.     Height = 603
  12.     Align = alClient
  13.     BevelOuter = bvNone
  14.     TabOrder = 0
  15.     object BackPanel: TTntPanel
  16.       Left = 0
  17.       Top = 0
  18.       Width = 852
  19.       Height = 603
  20.       Align = alClient
  21.       BevelOuter = bvNone
  22.       ParentColor = True
  23.       TabOrder = 0
  24.       object Splitter: TSplitter
  25.         Left = 219
  26.         Top = 0
  27.         Height = 603
  28.       end
  29.       object UserShowPanel: TTntPanel
  30.         Left = 222
  31.         Top = 0
  32.         Width = 630
  33.         Height = 603
  34.         Align = alClient
  35.         BevelOuter = bvNone
  36.         ParentColor = True
  37.         TabOrder = 1
  38.         object DomainPanel: TTntPanel
  39.           Left = 0
  40.           Top = 0
  41.           Width = 630
  42.           Height = 603
  43.           Align = alClient
  44.           BevelOuter = bvNone
  45.           TabOrder = 1
  46.           object TopDomainPanel: TTntPanel
  47.             Left = 0
  48.             Top = 0
  49.             Width = 630
  50.             Height = 30
  51.             Align = alTop
  52.             BevelOuter = bvNone
  53.             TabOrder = 0
  54.             object Panel1: TPanel
  55.               Left = 0
  56.               Top = 0
  57.               Width = 630
  58.               Height = 30
  59.               Align = alClient
  60.               BevelOuter = bvNone
  61.               TabOrder = 0
  62.               DesignSize = (
  63.                 630
  64.                 30)
  65.               object DomainLabel: TTntEdit
  66.                 Left = 5
  67.                 Top = 4
  68.                 Width = 540
  69.                 Height = 21
  70.                 TabStop = False
  71.                 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  72.                 Color = clBtnFace
  73.                 ReadOnly = True
  74.                 TabOrder = 0
  75.               end
  76.               object SaveDomainButton: TTntButton
  77.                 Left = 551
  78.                 Top = 3
  79.                 Width = 75
  80.                 Height = 23
  81.                 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
  82.                 Caption = 'Save'
  83.                 Default = True
  84.                 Enabled = False
  85.                 TabOrder = 1
  86.                 OnClick = SaveDomainButtonClick
  87.               end
  88.             end
  89.           end
  90.           object ClientDomainPanel: TTntPanel
  91.             Left = 0
  92.             Top = 30
  93.             Width = 630
  94.             Height = 573
  95.             Align = alClient
  96.             BevelOuter = bvNone
  97.             TabOrder = 1
  98.             object DomainPageControl: TTntPageControl
  99.               Left = 0
  100.               Top = 0
  101.               Width = 630
  102.               Height = 573
  103.               HelpContext = 318
  104.               ActivePage = DomainSheet
  105.               Align = alClient
  106.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  107.               MultiLine = True
  108.               TabOrder = 0
  109.               TabStop = False
  110.               OnChange = PageControlFocusChange
  111.               object DomainSheet: TTntTabSheet
  112.                 HelpContext = 320
  113.                 Caption = 'Domain'
  114.                 ImageIndex = 50
  115.                 object DomainBox: TTntGroupBox
  116.                   Left = 0
  117.                   Top = 0
  118.                   Width = 622
  119.                   Height = 66
  120.                   Align = alTop
  121.                   Caption = 'Domain'
  122.                   TabOrder = 0
  123.                   object DomainNameLabel: TTntLabel
  124.                     Left = 8
  125.                     Top = 16
  126.                     Width = 31
  127.                     Height = 13
  128.                     Caption = 'Name:'
  129.                   end
  130.                   object DexcriptionLabel: TTntLabel
  131.                     Left = 8
  132.                     Top = 40
  133.                     Width = 56
  134.                     Height = 13
  135.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  136.                   end
  137.                   object DomainNameEdit: TTntEdit
  138.                     Tag = 1
  139.                     Left = 93
  140.                     Top = 13
  141.                     Width = 240
  142.                     Height = 21
  143.                     MaxLength = 90
  144.                     TabOrder = 0
  145.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  146.                   end
  147.                   object DescriptionEdit: TTntEdit
  148.                     Tag = 1
  149.                     Left = 93
  150.                     Top = 37
  151.                     Width = 240
  152.                     Height = 21
  153.                     MaxLength = 63
  154.                     TabOrder = 1
  155.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  156.                   end
  157.                 end
  158.                 object AdminBox: TTntGroupBox
  159.                   Left = 0
  160.                   Top = 66
  161.                   Width = 622
  162.                   Height = 68
  163.                   Align = alTop
  164.                   Caption = 'Administrator'
  165.                   TabOrder = 1
  166.                   object MailBoxNameLabel: TTntLabel
  167.                     Left = 8
  168.                     Top = 44
  169.                     Width = 31
  170.                     Height = 13
  171.                     Caption = 'E-mail:'
  172.                   end
  173.                   object DefaultAliasLabel: TTntLabel
  174.                     Left = 8
  175.                     Top = 18
  176.                     Width = 61
  177.                     Height = 13
  178.                     Caption = 'Default alias:'
  179.                   end
  180.                   object AdminForwardEdit: TTntEdit
  181.                     Left = 93
  182.                     Top = 40
  183.                     Width = 220
  184.                     Height = 21
  185.                     MaxLength = 255
  186.                     TabOrder = 1
  187.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  188.                   end
  189.                   object DefaultAlias: TTntEdit
  190.                     Left = 93
  191.                     Top = 16
  192.                     Width = 240
  193.                     Height = 21
  194.                     MaxLength = 255
  195.                     TabOrder = 0
  196.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  197.                   end
  198.                   object SelectButton: TTntButton
  199.                     Left = 312
  200.                     Top = 40
  201.                     Width = 21
  202.                     Height = 21
  203.                     Caption = '...'
  204.                     TabOrder = 2
  205.                     OnClick = SelectButtonClick
  206.                   end
  207.                 end
  208.               end
  209.               object DomainOptionSheet: TTntTabSheet
  210.                 HelpContext = 325
  211.                 Caption = 'Limits'
  212.                 ImageIndex = 16
  213.                 object OptionsDomainBox: TTntGroupBox
  214.                   Left = 0
  215.                   Top = 0
  216.                   Width = 622
  217.                   Height = 137
  218.                   Align = alTop
  219.                   Caption = 'Domain'
  220.                   TabOrder = 0
  221.                   object AccountNumbLabel: TTntLabel
  222.                     Left = 8
  223.                     Top = 17
  224.                     Width = 196
  225.                     Height = 13
  226.                     Caption = 'Domain admin account limit (Accounts #):'
  227.                   end
  228.                   object DomainDiskQutoaL: TTntLabel
  229.                     Left = 8
  230.                     Top = 39
  231.                     Width = 54
  232.                     Height = 13
  233.                     Caption = 'Disk quota:'
  234.                   end
  235.                   object DomainSendDataL: TTntLabel
  236.                     Left = 8
  237.                     Top = 65
  238.                     Width = 128
  239.                     Height = 13
  240.                     Caption = 'Send out data limit per day:'
  241.                   end
  242.                   object DomainSendCountL: TTntLabel
  243.                     Left = 8
  244.                     Top = 89
  245.                     Width = 156
  246.                     Height = 13
  247.                     Caption = 'Send out messages limit (#/Day):'
  248.                   end
  249.                   object AccountNumberEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  250.                     Left = 251
  251.                     Top = 12
  252.                     Width = 49
  253.                     Height = 21
  254.                     TabOrder = 0
  255.                     Text = '0'
  256.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  257.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  258.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  259.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  260.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  261.                   end
  262.                   object DiskQuotaEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  263.                     Left = 251
  264.                     Top = 36
  265.                     Width = 49
  266.                     Height = 21
  267.                     TabOrder = 1
  268.                     Text = '0'
  269.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  270.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  271.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  272.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  273.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  274.                   end
  275.                   object DisableAllUsers: TTntCheckBox
  276.                     Left = 8
  277.                     Top = 111
  278.                     Width = 289
  279.                     Height = 17
  280.                     Caption = 'Disable login to this domain'
  281.                     TabOrder = 6
  282.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  283.                   end
  284.                   object DiskQuotaEditUnits: TTntComboBox
  285.                     Left = 302
  286.                     Top = 36
  287.                     Width = 42
  288.                     Height = 21
  289.                     Style = csDropDownList
  290.                     ItemHeight = 13
  291.                     TabOrder = 2
  292.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  293.                     Items.Strings = (
  294.                       'kB'
  295.                       'MB'
  296.                       'GB')
  297.                   end
  298.                   object DDomainMBLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  299.                     Left = 251
  300.                     Top = 60
  301.                     Width = 49
  302.                     Height = 21
  303.                     TabOrder = 3
  304.                     Text = '0'
  305.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  306.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  307.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  308.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  309.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  310.                   end
  311.                   object DDomainMBLimitUnits: TTntComboBox
  312.                     Left = 302
  313.                     Top = 60
  314.                     Width = 42
  315.                     Height = 21
  316.                     Style = csDropDownList
  317.                     ItemHeight = 13
  318.                     TabOrder = 4
  319.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  320.                     Items.Strings = (
  321.                       'kB'
  322.                       'MB'
  323.                       'GB')
  324.                   end
  325.                   object DDomainNumberLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  326.                     Left = 251
  327.                     Top = 84
  328.                     Width = 92
  329.                     Height = 21
  330.                     TabOrder = 5
  331.                     Text = '0'
  332.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  333.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  334.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  335.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  336.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  337.                   end
  338.                 end
  339.                 object DomainExpiration: TTntGroupBox
  340.                   Left = 0
  341.                   Top = 252
  342.                   Width = 622
  343.                   Height = 88
  344.                   Align = alTop
  345.                   Caption = 'Expiration'
  346.                   TabOrder = 2
  347.                   object DomainExpires: TTntCheckBox
  348.                     Left = 8
  349.                     Top = 18
  350.                     Width = 193
  351.                     Height = 17
  352.                     Caption = 'Expires on (yyyy/mm/dd):'
  353.                     TabOrder = 0
  354.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  355.                   end
  356.                   object DomainNotifyBefore: TTntCheckBox
  357.                     Left = 8
  358.                     Top = 42
  359.                     Width = 233
  360.                     Height = 17
  361.                     Caption = 'Notify before expiration (Days):'
  362.                     TabOrder = 3
  363.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  364.                   end
  365.                   object DomainDeleteWhenExpires: TTntCheckBox
  366.                     Left = 8
  367.                     Top = 64
  368.                     Width = 225
  369.                     Height = 17
  370.                     Caption = 'Delete domain when expired'
  371.                     TabOrder = 5
  372.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  373.                   end
  374.                   object DomainNotifyEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  375.                     Left = 251
  376.                     Top = 39
  377.                     Width = 93
  378.                     Height = 21
  379.                     BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
  380.                     ParentBiDiMode = False
  381.                     TabOrder = 4
  382.                     Text = '0'
  383.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  384.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  385.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  386.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  387.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  388.                   end
  389.                   object DomainExpiresEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  390.                     Left = 251
  391.                     Top = 15
  392.                     Width = 74
  393.                     Height = 21
  394.                     TabOrder = 1
  395.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  396.                     EditMode = ctFilter
  397.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  398.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  399.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  400.                     EditFilter = '0123456789/'
  401.                   end
  402.                   object DomainExpiresButton: TTntButton
  403.                     Tag = 5
  404.                     Left = 324
  405.                     Top = 15
  406.                     Width = 20
  407.                     Height = 21
  408.                     Caption = '...'
  409.                     TabOrder = 2
  410.                     OnClick = ValidTillDateClick
  411.                   end
  412.                 end
  413.                 object UserDomainGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  414.                   Left = 0
  415.                   Top = 137
  416.                   Width = 622
  417.                   Height = 115
  418.                   Align = alTop
  419.                   Caption = 'Users'
  420.                   TabOrder = 1
  421.                   object UserMailboxSL: TTntLabel
  422.                     Left = 8
  423.                     Top = 19
  424.                     Width = 64
  425.                     Height = 13
  426.                     Caption = 'Account size:'
  427.                   end
  428.                   object UserSendLimitL: TTntLabel
  429.                     Left = 8
  430.                     Top = 67
  431.                     Width = 128
  432.                     Height = 13
  433.                     Caption = 'Send out data limit per day:'
  434.                   end
  435.                   object UserNumberLimitL: TTntLabel
  436.                     Left = 8
  437.                     Top = 91
  438.                     Width = 156
  439.                     Height = 13
  440.                     Caption = 'Send out messages limit (#/Day):'
  441.                   end
  442.                   object UserMaxMsgSizeL: TTntLabel
  443.                     Left = 8
  444.                     Top = 43
  445.                     Width = 89
  446.                     Height = 13
  447.                     Caption = 'Max message size:'
  448.                   end
  449.                   object DomainMailboxSize: TAdvancedEdit
  450.                     Left = 251
  451.                     Top = 14
  452.                     Width = 49
  453.                     Height = 21
  454.                     TabOrder = 0
  455.                     Text = '0'
  456.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  457.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  458.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  459.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  460.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  461.                   end
  462.                   object DomainMBLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  463.                     Left = 251
  464.                     Top = 62
  465.                     Width = 49
  466.                     Height = 21
  467.                     TabOrder = 4
  468.                     Text = '0'
  469.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  470.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  471.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  472.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  473.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  474.                   end
  475.                   object DomainNumberLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  476.                     Left = 251
  477.                     Top = 86
  478.                     Width = 92
  479.                     Height = 21
  480.                     TabOrder = 6
  481.                     Text = '0'
  482.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  483.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  484.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  485.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  486.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  487.                   end
  488.                   object DomainMaxMsgLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  489.                     Left = 251
  490.                     Top = 38
  491.                     Width = 49
  492.                     Height = 21
  493.                     TabOrder = 2
  494.                     Text = '0'
  495.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  496.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  497.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  498.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  499.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  500.                   end
  501.                   object DomainMailboxSizeUnits: TTntComboBox
  502.                     Left = 302
  503.                     Top = 14
  504.                     Width = 42
  505.                     Height = 21
  506.                     Style = csDropDownList
  507.                     ItemHeight = 13
  508.                     TabOrder = 1
  509.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  510.                     Items.Strings = (
  511.                       'kB'
  512.                       'MB'
  513.                       'GB')
  514.                   end
  515.                   object DomainMaxMsgLimitUnits: TTntComboBox
  516.                     Left = 302
  517.                     Top = 38
  518.                     Width = 42
  519.                     Height = 21
  520.                     Style = csDropDownList
  521.                     ItemHeight = 13
  522.                     TabOrder = 3
  523.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  524.                     Items.Strings = (
  525.                       'kB'
  526.                       'MB'
  527.                       'GB')
  528.                   end
  529.                   object DomainMBLimitUnits: TTntComboBox
  530.                     Left = 302
  531.                     Top = 62
  532.                     Width = 42
  533.                     Height = 21
  534.                     Style = csDropDownList
  535.                     ItemHeight = 13
  536.                     TabOrder = 5
  537.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  538.                     Items.Strings = (
  539.                       'kB'
  540.                       'MB'
  541.                       'GB')
  542.                   end
  543.                 end
  544.               end
  545.               object DomainServicesTabSheet: TTabSheet
  546.                 HelpContext = 4163
  547.                 Caption = 'Services'
  548.                 ImageIndex = 20
  549.                 OnShow = DomainServicesTabSheetShow
  550.                 object SAGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  551.                   Left = 0
  552.                   Top = 0
  553.                   Width = 622
  554.                   Height = 321
  555.                   Align = alTop
  556.                   Caption = 'Services'
  557.                   TabOrder = 0
  558.                   object SMSSettingsL: TTntLabel
  559.                     Left = 9
  560.                     Top = 244
  561.                     Width = 107
  562.                     Height = 13
  563.                     Caption = 'SMS account settings:'
  564.                   end
  565.                   object FTPSettingsL: TTntLabel
  566.                     Left = 9
  567.                     Top = 270
  568.                     Width = 104
  569.                     Height = 13
  570.                     Caption = 'FTP account settings:'
  571.                   end
  572.                   object EASDSettingsL: TTntLabel
  573.                     Left = 9
  574.                     Top = 218
  575.                     Width = 97
  576.                     Height = 13
  577.                     Caption = 'ActiveSync devices:'
  578.                   end
  579.                   object DomainSMSButton: TTntButton
  580.                     Left = 168
  581.                     Top = 240
  582.                     Width = 146
  583.                     Height = 23
  584.                     Caption = 'SMS Settings...'
  585.                     TabOrder = 5
  586.                     OnClick = DomainSMSButtonClick
  587.                   end
  588.                   object DomainFTPButton: TTntButton
  589.                     Tag = 1
  590.                     Left = 168
  591.                     Top = 266
  592.                     Width = 146
  593.                     Height = 23
  594.                     Caption = 'FTP Settings...'
  595.                     TabOrder = 6
  596.                     OnClick = DomainSMSButtonClick
  597.                   end
  598.                   object EASDomainSettings: TTntButton
  599.                     Left = 168
  600.                     Top = 214
  601.                     Width = 146
  602.                     Height = 23
  603.                     Caption = 'ActiveSync Devices...'
  604.                     TabOrder = 4
  605.                     OnClick = PushSettingsClick
  606.                   end
  607.                   object DomComm: TTntCheckListBox
  608.                     Left = 8
  609.                     Top = 15
  610.                     Width = 305
  611.                     Height = 58
  612.                     OnClickCheck = DomainChange
  613.                     ItemHeight = 13
  614.                     Items.Strings = (
  615.                       'Instant Messaging'
  616.                       'VoIP'
  617.                       'FTP'
  618.                       'SMS')
  619.                     TabOrder = 0
  620.                   end
  621.                   object DomSec: TTntCheckListBox
  622.                     Left = 8
  623.                     Top = 74
  624.                     Width = 305
  625.                     Height = 45
  626.                     OnClickCheck = DomainChange
  627.                     ItemHeight = 13
  628.                     Items.Strings = (
  629.                       'Anti-Virus'
  630.                       'Anti-Spam'
  631.                       'Quarantine')
  632.                     TabOrder = 1
  633.                   end
  634.                   object DomCollab: TTntCheckListBox
  635.                     Left = 8
  636.                     Top = 120
  637.                     Width = 305
  638.                     Height = 31
  639.                     OnClickCheck = DomainChange
  640.                     ItemHeight = 13
  641.                     Items.Strings = (
  642.                       'GroupWare'
  643.                       'WebDAV')
  644.                     TabOrder = 2
  645.                   end
  646.                   object DomClient: TTntCheckListBox
  647.                     Left = 8
  648.                     Top = 152
  649.                     Width = 305
  650.                     Height = 57
  651.                     OnClickCheck = DomainChange
  652.                     ItemHeight = 13
  653.                     Items.Strings = (
  654.                       'ActiveSync'
  655.                       'SyncML'
  656.                       'Outlook Connector - Activation Key'
  657.                       'Desktop Client - Activation Key')
  658.                     TabOrder = 3
  659.                   end
  660.                   object IMDomainRoster: TTntCheckBox
  661.                     Left = 9
  662.                     Top = 295
  663.                     Width = 544
  664.                     Height = 17
  665.                     Caption = 'Instant Messaging shared roster (Populate with all domain users)'
  666.                     TabOrder = 7
  667.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  668.                   end
  669.                 end
  670.               end
  671.               object DomainOtherSheet: TTntTabSheet
  672.                 HelpContext = 240
  673.                 Caption = 'Options'
  674.                 ImageIndex = 30
  675.                 object OtherBox: TTntGroupBox
  676.                   Left = 0
  677.                   Top = 91
  678.                   Width = 622
  679.                   Height = 117
  680.                   Align = alTop
  681.                   Caption = 'Options'
  682.                   TabOrder = 1
  683.                   object DomainIPL: TTntLabel
  684.                     Left = 8
  685.                     Top = 16
  686.                     Width = 54
  687.                     Height = 13
  688.                     Caption = 'IP Address:'
  689.                   end
  690.                   object DomainHostL: TTntLabel
  691.                     Left = 8
  692.                     Top = 40
  693.                     Width = 51
  694.                     Height = 13
  695.                     Caption = 'Hostname:'
  696.                   end
  697.                   object DomainFolderL: TTntLabel
  698.                     Left = 8
  699.                     Top = 64
  700.                     Width = 32
  701.                     Height = 13
  702.                     Caption = 'Folder:'
  703.                   end
  704.                   object DomainHeadFootButton: TTntButton
  705.                     Tag = 67
  706.                     Left = 8
  707.                     Top = 86
  708.                     Width = 107
  709.                     Height = 23
  710.                     Caption = 'Header/Footer...'
  711.                     TabOrder = 4
  712.                     OnClick = DomainHeadFootButtonClick
  713.                   end
  714.                   object DomainHost: TTntEdit
  715.                     Tag = 1
  716.                     Left = 93
  717.                     Top = 37
  718.                     Width = 240
  719.                     Height = 21
  720.                     MaxLength = 63
  721.                     TabOrder = 1
  722.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  723.                   end
  724.                   object DomainIP: TTntComboBox
  725.                     Left = 93
  726.                     Top = 13
  727.                     Width = 240
  728.                     Height = 21
  729.                     ItemHeight = 0
  730.                     TabOrder = 0
  731.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  732.                   end
  733.                   object DomainFolder: TTntEdit
  734.                     Tag = 1
  735.                     Left = 93
  736.                     Top = 61
  737.                     Width = 220
  738.                     Height = 21
  739.                     MaxLength = 63
  740.                     TabOrder = 2
  741.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  742.                   end
  743.                   object DomainFolderPath: TTntButton
  744.                     Tag = 9
  745.                     Left = 313
  746.                     Top = 61
  747.                     Width = 20
  748.                     Height = 21
  749.                     Caption = '...'
  750.                     TabOrder = 3
  751.                     OnClick = DomainFolderPathClick
  752.                   end
  753.                 end
  754.                 object UnknowUsersBox: TTntGroupBox
  755.                   Left = 0
  756.                   Top = 208
  757.                   Width = 622
  758.                   Height = 91
  759.                   Align = alTop
  760.                   Caption = 'Unknown Accounts'
  761.                   TabOrder = 2
  762.                   object ActionUnknownUsers: TTntLabel
  763.                     Left = 8
  764.                     Top = 20
  765.                     Width = 33
  766.                     Height = 13
  767.                     Caption = 'Action:'
  768.                   end
  769.                   object EmailUnknownL: TTntLabel
  770.                     Left = 8
  771.                     Top = 43
  772.                     Width = 31
  773.                     Height = 13
  774.                     Caption = 'E-mail:'
  775.                   end
  776.                   object ForwardToEdit: TTntEdit
  777.                     Left = 93
  778.                     Top = 40
  779.                     Width = 220
  780.                     Height = 21
  781.                     Enabled = False
  782.                     MaxLength = 255
  783.                     TabOrder = 1
  784.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  785.                   end
  786.                   object InfoToAdminBox: TTntCheckBox
  787.                     Tag = 5
  788.                     Left = 8
  789.                     Top = 65
  790.                     Width = 212
  791.                     Height = 17
  792.                     Caption = 'Send information to administrator'
  793.                     TabOrder = 2
  794.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  795.                   end
  796.                   object DomainUnknownUsersType: TTntComboBox
  797.                     Left = 93
  798.                     Top = 16
  799.                     Width = 240
  800.                     Height = 21
  801.                     Style = csDropDownList
  802.                     ItemHeight = 13
  803.                     TabOrder = 0
  804.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  805.                     Items.Strings = (
  806.                       'Reject mail'
  807.                       'Forward to (Catch-all)'
  808.                       'Delete mail')
  809.                   end
  810.                   object UnknownSelectButton: TTntButton
  811.                     Tag = 3
  812.                     Left = 312
  813.                     Top = 40
  814.                     Width = 21
  815.                     Height = 21
  816.                     Caption = '...'
  817.                     TabOrder = 3
  818.                     OnClick = SelectButtonClick
  819.                   end
  820.                 end
  821.                 object DomainTypeBox: TTntGroupBox
  822.                   Left = 0
  823.                   Top = 0
  824.                   Width = 622
  825.                   Height = 91
  826.                   Align = alTop
  827.                   Caption = 'Type'
  828.                   TabOrder = 0
  829.                   object DomainTypeL: TTntLabel
  830.                     Left = 8
  831.                     Top = 16
  832.                     Width = 27
  833.                     Height = 13
  834.                     Caption = 'Type:'
  835.                   end
  836.                   object SendToLabel: TTntLabel
  837.                     Left = 8
  838.                     Top = 40
  839.                     Width = 30
  840.                     Height = 13
  841.                     Caption = 'Value:'
  842.                   end
  843.                   object IssueL: TTntLabel
  844.                     Left = 8
  845.                     Top = 64
  846.                     Width = 55
  847.                     Height = 13
  848.                     Caption = 'Verification:'
  849.                   end
  850.                   object DomainType: TTntComboBox
  851.                     Left = 93
  852.                     Top = 13
  853.                     Width = 240
  854.                     Height = 21
  855.                     Style = csDropDownList
  856.                     ItemHeight = 13
  857.                     TabOrder = 0
  858.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  859.                     Items.Strings = (
  860.                       'Standard'
  861.                       'Domain alias'
  862.                       'Backup domain'
  863.                       'Distributed domain'
  864.                       'ETRN/ATRN queue')
  865.                   end
  866.                   object DomainToEdit: TTntEdit
  867.                     Left = 93
  868.                     Top = 37
  869.                     Width = 220
  870.                     Height = 21
  871.                     MaxLength = 62
  872.                     TabOrder = 1
  873.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  874.                   end
  875.                   object DomainVRFYList: TTntComboBox
  876.                     Left = 93
  877.                     Top = 61
  878.                     Width = 177
  879.                     Height = 21
  880.                     Style = csDropDownList
  881.                     ItemHeight = 13
  882.                     TabOrder = 3
  883.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  884.                     Items.Strings = (
  885.                       'Default'
  886.                       'Use Minger with password'
  887.                       'Use VRFY command'
  888.                       'Use RCPT TO command')
  889.                   end
  890.                   object DomainSelectButton: TTntButton
  891.                     Tag = 1
  892.                     Left = 312
  893.                     Top = 37
  894.                     Width = 21
  895.                     Height = 21
  896.                     Caption = '...'
  897.                     TabOrder = 2
  898.                     OnClick = SelectButtonClick
  899.                   end
  900.                   object DomainMingerPassword: TTntEdit
  901.                     Left = 278
  902.                     Top = 61
  903.                     Width = 54
  904.                     Height = 21
  905.                     MaxLength = 62
  906.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  907.                     TabOrder = 4
  908.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  909.                   end
  910.                 end
  911.               end
  912.               object DomainAliasesSheet: TTabSheet
  913.                 Caption = 'Aliases'
  914.                 ImageIndex = 5
  915.                 OnShow = DomainAliasesSheetShow
  916.               end
  917.               object TemplatesSheet: TTntTabSheet
  918.                 HelpContext = 1230
  919.                 Caption = 'Templates'
  920.                 ImageIndex = 8
  921.                 OnEnter = TemplatesSheetEnter
  922.               end
  923.               object DomainKeySheet: TTntTabSheet
  924.                 HelpContext = 329
  925.                 Caption = 'DKIM'
  926.                 ImageIndex = 45
  927.                 OnShow = DomainKeySheetShow
  928.                 object DomainKeyGroup: TTntGroupBox
  929.                   Left = 0
  930.                   Top = 0
  931.                   Width = 622
  932.                   Height = 297
  933.                   Align = alTop
  934.                   Caption = 'DKIM'
  935.                   TabOrder = 0
  936.                   object SelectorL: TTntLabel
  937.                     Left = 8
  938.                     Top = 43
  939.                     Width = 42
  940.                     Height = 13
  941.                     Caption = 'Selector:'
  942.                   end
  943.                   object DomainKL: TTntLabel
  944.                     Left = 8
  945.                     Top = 67
  946.                     Width = 39
  947.                     Height = 13
  948.                     Caption = 'Domain:'
  949.                   end
  950.                   object PrivateKL: TTntLabel
  951.                     Left = 8
  952.                     Top = 90
  953.                     Width = 56
  954.                     Height = 13
  955.                     Caption = 'Private key:'
  956.                   end
  957.                   object PublicKL: TTntLabel
  958.                     Left = 8
  959.                     Top = 242
  960.                     Width = 66
  961.                     Height = 13
  962.                     Caption = 'Selector data:'
  963.                   end
  964.                   object DomainKeyActive: TTntCheckBox
  965.                     Left = 9
  966.                     Top = 17
  967.                     Width = 176
  968.                     Height = 17
  969.                     Caption = 'Active'
  970.                     TabOrder = 0
  971.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  972.                   end
  973.                   object PublicKey: TTntEdit
  974.                     Left = 128
  975.                     Top = 239
  976.                     Width = 201
  977.                     Height = 21
  978.                     Color = clBtnFace
  979.                     ReadOnly = True
  980.                     TabOrder = 4
  981.                   end
  982.                   object SelectorEdit: TTntEdit
  983.                     Left = 128
  984.                     Top = 40
  985.                     Width = 201
  986.                     Height = 21
  987.                     TabOrder = 1
  988.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  989.                   end
  990.                   object DomainKeyEdit: TTntEdit
  991.                     Left = 128
  992.                     Top = 64
  993.                     Width = 201
  994.                     Height = 21
  995.                     TabOrder = 2
  996.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  997.                   end
  998.                   object GeneratePrivate: TTntButton
  999.                     Left = 8
  1000.                     Top = 267
  1001.                     Width = 137
  1002.                     Height = 23
  1003.                     Caption = 'Generate private key...'
  1004.                     TabOrder = 5
  1005.                     OnClick = GeneratePrivateClick
  1006.                   end
  1007.                   object RetrievePublic: TTntButton
  1008.                     Left = 152
  1009.                     Top = 267
  1010.                     Width = 137
  1011.                     Height = 23
  1012.                     Caption = 'Retrieve selector data'
  1013.                     TabOrder = 6
  1014.                     OnClick = RetrievePublicClick
  1015.                   end
  1016.                   object PrivateKey: TTntMemo
  1017.                     Left = 128
  1018.                     Top = 88
  1019.                     Width = 201
  1020.                     Height = 147
  1021.                     ScrollBars = ssBoth
  1022.                     TabOrder = 3
  1023.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1024.                   end
  1025.                 end
  1026.               end
  1027.               object ADDomainSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1028.                 HelpContext = 342
  1029.                 Caption = 'Directory Service'
  1030.                 ImageIndex = 43
  1031.                 OnShow = ADDomainSheetShow
  1032.                 object ADGeneralBox: TTntGroupBox
  1033.                   Left = 0
  1034.                   Top = 0
  1035.                   Width = 622
  1036.                   Height = 42
  1037.                   Align = alTop
  1038.                   Caption = 'General'
  1039.                   TabOrder = 0
  1040.                   object ADActive: TTntCheckBox
  1041.                     Left = 9
  1042.                     Top = 17
  1043.                     Width = 472
  1044.                     Height = 17
  1045.                     Caption = 'Synchronize users and groups with directory service'
  1046.                     TabOrder = 0
  1047.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  1048.                   end
  1049.                 end
  1050.                 object ADDomainBox: TTntGroupBox
  1051.                   Left = 0
  1052.                   Top = 186
  1053.                   Width = 622
  1054.                   Height = 151
  1055.                   Align = alTop
  1056.                   Caption = 'Advanced'
  1057.                   TabOrder = 2
  1058.                   object ADDomainL: TTntLabel
  1059.                     Left = 8
  1060.                     Top = 91
  1061.                     Width = 39
  1062.                     Height = 13
  1063.                     Caption = 'Domain:'
  1064.                   end
  1065.                   object ADDNL: TTntLabel
  1066.                     Left = 8
  1067.                     Top = 45
  1068.                     Width = 19
  1069.                     Height = 13
  1070.                     Caption = 'DN:'
  1071.                   end
  1072.                   object ADObjectsL: TTntLabel
  1073.                     Left = 8
  1074.                     Top = 21
  1075.                     Width = 25
  1076.                     Height = 13
  1077.                     Caption = 'Filter:'
  1078.                   end
  1079.                   object ADUsernameSourceL: TTntLabel
  1080.                     Left = 8
  1081.                     Top = 121
  1082.                     Width = 86
  1083.                     Height = 13
  1084.                     Caption = 'Username source:'
  1085.                   end
  1086.                   object ADDomainActive: TTntCheckBox
  1087.                     Left = 9
  1088.                     Top = 66
  1089.                     Width = 464
  1090.                     Height = 17
  1091.                     Caption = 'Directory service domain is different from this domain name'
  1092.                     TabOrder = 2
  1093.                     OnClick = DomainChange
  1094.                   end
  1095.                   object ADDomain: TTntEdit
  1096.                     Left = 144
  1097.                     Top = 88
  1098.                     Width = 201
  1099.                     Height = 21
  1100.                     TabOrder = 3
  1101.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1102.                   end
  1103.                   object ADDN: TTntEdit
  1104.                     Left = 144
  1105.                     Top = 42
  1106.                     Width = 201
  1107.                     Height = 21
  1108.                     TabOrder = 1
  1109.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1110.                   end
  1111.                   object ADObjects: TTntEdit
  1112.                     Left = 144
  1113.                     Top = 18
  1114.                     Width = 201
  1115.                     Height = 21
  1116.                     TabOrder = 0
  1117.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1118.                   end
  1119.                   object ADUsernameSourceBox: TTntComboBox
  1120.                     Left = 144
  1121.                     Top = 116
  1122.                     Width = 203
  1123.                     Height = 21
  1124.                     Style = csDropDownList
  1125.                     ItemHeight = 13
  1126.                     ItemIndex = 0
  1127.                     TabOrder = 4
  1128.                     Text = 'Primary Alias of AD account'
  1129.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1130.                     Items.Strings = (
  1131.                       'Primary Alias of AD account'
  1132.                       'Username of AD account')
  1133.                   end
  1134.                 end
  1135.                 object ADServerBox: TTntGroupBox
  1136.                   Left = 0
  1137.                   Top = 42
  1138.                   Width = 622
  1139.                   Height = 144
  1140.                   Align = alTop
  1141.                   Caption = 'Server'
  1142.                   TabOrder = 1
  1143.                   object ADHostL: TTntLabel
  1144.                     Left = 8
  1145.                     Top = 19
  1146.                     Width = 51
  1147.                     Height = 13
  1148.                     Caption = 'Hostname:'
  1149.                   end
  1150.                   object ADUserL: TTntLabel
  1151.                     Left = 8
  1152.                     Top = 43
  1153.                     Width = 51
  1154.                     Height = 13
  1155.                     Caption = 'Username:'
  1156.                   end
  1157.                   object ADPassL: TTntLabel
  1158.                     Left = 8
  1159.                     Top = 67
  1160.                     Width = 49
  1161.                     Height = 13
  1162.                     Caption = 'Password:'
  1163.                   end
  1164.                   object ADSecHostL: TTntLabel
  1165.                     Left = 8
  1166.                     Top = 91
  1167.                     Width = 89
  1168.                     Height = 13
  1169.                     Caption = 'Backup hostname:'
  1170.                   end
  1171.                   object ADHost: TTntEdit
  1172.                     Left = 144
  1173.                     Top = 16
  1174.                     Width = 201
  1175.                     Height = 21
  1176.                     TabOrder = 0
  1177.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1178.                   end
  1179.                   object ADUser: TTntEdit
  1180.                     Left = 144
  1181.                     Top = 40
  1182.                     Width = 201
  1183.                     Height = 21
  1184.                     TabOrder = 1
  1185.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1186.                   end
  1187.                   object ADPass: TTntEdit
  1188.                     Left = 144
  1189.                     Top = 64
  1190.                     Width = 201
  1191.                     Height = 21
  1192.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  1193.                     TabOrder = 2
  1194.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1195.                   end
  1196.                   object ADSecHost: TTntEdit
  1197.                     Left = 144
  1198.                     Top = 88
  1199.                     Width = 201
  1200.                     Height = 21
  1201.                     TabOrder = 3
  1202.                     OnChange = DomainChange
  1203.                   end
  1204.                   object ADTest: TTntButton
  1205.                     Left = 148
  1206.                     Top = 114
  1207.                     Width = 137
  1208.                     Height = 23
  1209.                     Caption = 'Test connection...'
  1210.                     TabOrder = 5
  1211.                     OnClick = ADTestClick
  1212.                   end
  1213.                   object SyncNow: TTntButton
  1214.                     Left = 8
  1215.                     Top = 114
  1216.                     Width = 137
  1217.                     Height = 23
  1218.                     Caption = 'Synchronize Now'
  1219.                     TabOrder = 4
  1220.                     OnClick = SyncNowClick
  1221.                   end
  1222.                 end
  1223.               end
  1224.               object BWDomainSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1225.                 HelpContext = 1125
  1226.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  1227.                 ImageIndex = 7
  1228.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  1229.               end
  1230.               object InfoTabSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1231.                 HelpContext = 349
  1232.                 Caption = 'Info'
  1233.                 ImageIndex = 24
  1234.                 OnEnter = InfoTabSheetEnter
  1235.                 object InfoBoxNext: TTntGroupBox
  1236.                   Left = 0
  1237.                   Top = 0
  1238.                   Width = 597
  1239.                   Height = 239
  1240.                   Align = alTop
  1241.                   Caption = 'Information'
  1242.                   TabOrder = 0
  1243.                   object DomainNameLabelN: TTntLabel
  1244.                     Left = 8
  1245.                     Top = 15
  1246.                     Width = 31
  1247.                     Height = 13
  1248.                     Caption = 'Name:'
  1249.                   end
  1250.                   object DomainDescLabel: TTntLabel
  1251.                     Left = 8
  1252.                     Top = 33
  1253.                     Width = 53
  1254.                     Height = 13
  1255.                     Caption = 'Description'
  1256.                   end
  1257.                   object NumberOfUsLabel: TTntLabel
  1258.                     Left = 8
  1259.                     Top = 51
  1260.                     Width = 58
  1261.                     Height = 13
  1262.                     Caption = 'Accounts #:'
  1263.                   end
  1264.                   object AdminMBoxLabel: TTntLabel
  1265.                     Left = 8
  1266.                     Top = 142
  1267.                     Width = 90
  1268.                     Height = 13
  1269.                     Caption = 'Administrator email:'
  1270.                   end
  1271.                   object AdminAliasLab: TTntLabel
  1272.                     Left = 8
  1273.                     Top = 160
  1274.                     Width = 87
  1275.                     Height = 13
  1276.                     Caption = 'Administrator alias:'
  1277.                   end
  1278.                   object DomainVirtL: TTntLabel
  1279.                     Left = 8
  1280.                     Top = 106
  1281.                     Width = 54
  1282.                     Height = 13
  1283.                     Caption = 'IP Address:'
  1284.                   end
  1285.                   object HostnameIL: TTntLabel
  1286.                     Left = 8
  1287.                     Top = 124
  1288.                     Width = 51
  1289.                     Height = 13
  1290.                     Caption = 'Hostname:'
  1291.                   end
  1292.                   object DITL: TTntLabel
  1293.                     Left = 8
  1294.                     Top = 69
  1295.                     Width = 27
  1296.                     Height = 13
  1297.                     Caption = 'Type:'
  1298.                   end
  1299.                   object DIEL: TTntLabel
  1300.                     Left = 8
  1301.                     Top = 88
  1302.                     Width = 37
  1303.                     Height = 13
  1304.                     Caption = 'Expires:'
  1305.                   end
  1306.                   object DomNamePanel: TTntPanel
  1307.                     Left = 130
  1308.                     Top = 14
  1309.                     Width = 220
  1310.                     Height = 17
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  1312.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1313.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1314.                     TabOrder = 0
  1315.                   end
  1316.                   object DomDescPanel: TTntPanel
  1317.                     Left = 130
  1318.                     Top = 32
  1319.                     Width = 220
  1320.                     Height = 17
  1321.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1322.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1323.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1324.                     TabOrder = 1
  1325.                   end
  1326.                   object AdminFWBoxPanel: TTntPanel
  1327.                     Left = 130
  1328.                     Top = 140
  1329.                     Width = 220
  1330.                     Height = 17
  1331.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1332.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1333.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1334.                     TabOrder = 2
  1335.                   end
  1336.                   object AdminAlias: TTntPanel
  1337.                     Left = 130
  1338.                     Top = 158
  1339.                     Width = 220
  1340.                     Height = 72
  1341.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1342.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1343.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1344.                     TabOrder = 3
  1345.                     object AdminAliasPanel: TTntLabel
  1346.                       Left = 4
  1347.                       Top = 4
  1348.                       Width = 212
  1349.                       Height = 64
  1350.                       Align = alClient
  1351.                       AutoSize = False
  1352.                       WordWrap = True
  1353.                     end
  1354.                   end
  1355.                   object NumbUserPanel: TTntPanel
  1356.                     Left = 130
  1357.                     Top = 50
  1358.                     Width = 220
  1359.                     Height = 17
  1360.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1361.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1362.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1363.                     TabOrder = 4
  1364.                   end
  1365.                   object IPBindPanel: TTntPanel
  1366.                     Left = 130
  1367.                     Top = 104
  1368.                     Width = 220
  1369.                     Height = 17
  1370.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1371.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1372.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1373.                     TabOrder = 5
  1374.                   end
  1375.                   object DomainHostPanel: TTntPanel
  1376.                     Left = 130
  1377.                     Top = 122
  1378.                     Width = 220
  1379.                     Height = 17
  1380.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1381.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1382.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1383.                     TabOrder = 6
  1384.                   end
  1385.                   object InfoDomainType: TTntPanel
  1386.                     Left = 130
  1387.                     Top = 68
  1388.                     Width = 220
  1389.                     Height = 17
  1390.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1391.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1392.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1393.                     TabOrder = 7
  1394.                   end
  1395.                   object InfoDomainExpires: TTntPanel
  1396.                     Left = 130
  1397.                     Top = 86
  1398.                     Width = 220
  1399.                     Height = 17
  1400.                     Alignment = taLeftJustify
  1401.                     BevelOuter = bvLowered
  1402.                     BorderWidth = 3
  1403.                     TabOrder = 8
  1404.                   end
  1405.                 end
  1406.               end
  1407.             end
  1408.           end
  1409.         end
  1410.         object UserPanel: TTntPanel
  1411.           Left = 0
  1412.           Top = 0
  1413.           Width = 630
  1414.           Height = 603
  1415.           Align = alClient
  1416.           BevelOuter = bvNone
  1417.           TabOrder = 0
  1418.           Visible = False
  1419.           object ClientAccountPanel: TTntPanel
  1420.             Left = 0
  1421.             Top = 30
  1422.             Width = 630
  1423.             Height = 573
  1424.             Align = alClient
  1425.             BevelOuter = bvNone
  1426.             TabOrder = 1
  1427.             object ListServerControl: TTntPageControl
  1428.               Left = 0
  1429.               Top = 0
  1430.               Width = 630
  1431.               Height = 573
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  1433.               ActivePage = ListServerSheet
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  1435.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
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  1439.               OnChange = ListServerControlChange
  1440.               object ListServerSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1441.                 HelpContext = 404
  1442.                 Caption = 'List Server'
  1443.                 ImageIndex = 61
  1444.                 object ListServerPropBox: TTntGroupBox
  1445.                   Left = 0
  1446.                   Top = 0
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  1449.                   Align = alTop
  1450.                   Caption = 'List Server'
  1451.                   TabOrder = 0
  1452.                   object ListservAlias: TTntLabel
  1453.                     Left = 9
  1454.                     Top = 18
  1455.                     Width = 25
  1456.                     Height = 13
  1457.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
  1458.                     FocusControl = ListServAliasEdit
  1459.                   end
  1460.                   object ListServDescL: TTntLabel
  1461.                     Left = 9
  1462.                     Top = 41
  1463.                     Width = 56
  1464.                     Height = 13
  1465.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  1466.                     FocusControl = ListServDesc
  1467.                   end
  1468.                   object ListOwner: TTntLabel
  1469.                     Left = 9
  1470.                     Top = 65
  1471.                     Width = 34
  1472.                     Height = 13
  1473.                     Caption = 'Owner:'
  1474.                     FocusControl = ListServOwner
  1475.                   end
  1476.                   object ListFileL: TTntLabel
  1477.                     Left = 9
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  1480.                     Height = 13
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  1483.                   end
  1484.                   object ListSubLabel: TTntLabel
  1485.                     Left = 9
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  1488.                     Height = 13
  1489.                     Caption = 'Subscription:'
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  1491.                   end
  1492.                   object ListServSourceL: TTntLabel
  1493.                     Left = 9
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  1496.                     Height = 13
  1497.                     Caption = 'Source:'
  1498.                   end
  1499.                   object ListServAliasEdit: TTntEdit
  1500.                     Tag = 8
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  1509.                   object ListServDesc: TTntEdit
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  1517.                   end
  1518.                   object ListServOwner: TTntEdit
  1519.                     Left = 98
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  1527.                   object ListServerListFile: TTntEdit
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  1535.                   end
  1536.                   object ListServListFileButton: TTntButton
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  1542.                     Caption = '...'
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  1544.                     OnClick = ListFileButtonClick
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  1546.                   object SubjectBox: TTntCheckBox
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  1553.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1554.                   end
  1555.                   object ListServConfirmed: TTntComboBox
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  1562.                     TabOrder = 7
  1563.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1564.                     Items.Strings = (
  1565.                       'No confirmation'
  1566.                       'User confirmed'
  1567.                       'Owner confirmed')
  1568.                   end
  1569.                   object ListOwnerButton: TTntButton
  1570.                     Left = 289
  1571.                     Top = 62
  1572.                     Width = 21
  1573.                     Height = 21
  1574.                     Caption = '...'
  1575.                     TabOrder = 3
  1576.                     OnClick = ListOwnerButtonClick
  1577.                   end
  1578.                   object ListServSource: TTntComboBox
  1579.                     Left = 98
  1580.                     Top = 86
  1581.                     Width = 212
  1582.                     Height = 21
  1583.                     Style = csDropDownList
  1584.                     ItemHeight = 13
  1585.                     TabOrder = 4
  1586.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1587.                     Items.Strings = (
  1588.                       'Mailing lists from text file'
  1589.                       'All domain mailing lists')
  1590.                   end
  1591.                 end
  1592.                 object ListServCommandsGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  1593.                   Left = 0
  1594.                   Top = 185
  1595.                   Width = 622
  1596.                   Height = 109
  1597.                   Align = alTop
  1598.                   Caption = 'Allowed Commands'
  1599.                   TabOrder = 1
  1600.                   object ListBL: TTntCheckBox
  1601.                     Left = 177
  1602.                     Top = 62
  1603.                     Width = 112
  1604.                     Height = 17
  1605.                     Caption = 'BL (BlackList)'
  1606.                     TabOrder = 6
  1607.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1608.                   end
  1609.                   object JoinL: TTntCheckBox
  1610.                     Left = 9
  1611.                     Top = 18
  1612.                     Width = 136
  1613.                     Height = 17
  1614.                     Caption = 'Join (Subscribe)'
  1615.                     TabOrder = 0
  1616.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1617.                   end
  1618.                   object LeaveL: TTntCheckBox
  1619.                     Left = 9
  1620.                     Top = 40
  1621.                     Width = 144
  1622.                     Height = 17
  1623.                     Caption = 'Leave (Unsubscribe)'
  1624.                     TabOrder = 1
  1625.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1626.                   end
  1627.                   object ListWL: TTntCheckBox
  1628.                     Left = 177
  1629.                     Top = 84
  1630.                     Width = 112
  1631.                     Height = 17
  1632.                     Caption = 'WL (WhiteList)'
  1633.                     TabOrder = 7
  1634.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1635.                   end
  1636.                   object ListsL: TTntCheckBox
  1637.                     Left = 9
  1638.                     Top = 62
  1639.                     Width = 104
  1640.                     Height = 17
  1641.                     Caption = 'Lists'
  1642.                     TabOrder = 2
  1643.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1644.                   end
  1645.                   object WhichL: TTntCheckBox
  1646.                     Left = 9
  1647.                     Top = 84
  1648.                     Width = 72
  1649.                     Height = 17
  1650.                     Caption = 'Which'
  1651.                     TabOrder = 3
  1652.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1653.                   end
  1654.                   object ReviewL: TTntCheckBox
  1655.                     Left = 177
  1656.                     Top = 18
  1657.                     Width = 136
  1658.                     Height = 17
  1659.                     Caption = 'Review'
  1660.                     TabOrder = 4
  1661.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1662.                   end
  1663.                   object ListVacation: TTntCheckBox
  1664.                     Left = 177
  1665.                     Top = 40
  1666.                     Width = 216
  1667.                     Height = 17
  1668.                     Caption = 'Vacation/NoVacation'
  1669.                     TabOrder = 5
  1670.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1671.                   end
  1672.                 end
  1673.               end
  1674.               object ListServMembersSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1675.                 HelpContext = 407
  1676.                 Caption = 'Lists'
  1677.                 ImageIndex = 56
  1678.               end
  1679.               object ListServOptionSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1680.                 HelpContext = 410
  1681.                 Caption = 'Options'
  1682.                 ImageIndex = 30
  1683.                 object ListServerOptBox: TTntGroupBox
  1684.                   Left = 0
  1685.                   Top = 0
  1686.                   Width = 622
  1687.                   Height = 135
  1688.                   Align = alTop
  1689.                   Caption = 'Options'
  1690.                   TabOrder = 0
  1691.                   object ListServPass: TTntLabel
  1692.                     Left = 9
  1693.                     Top = 40
  1694.                     Width = 49
  1695.                     Height = 13
  1696.                     Caption = 'Password:'
  1697.                   end
  1698.                   object OrigiLabel: TTntLabel
  1699.                     Left = 9
  1700.                     Top = 87
  1701.                     Width = 48
  1702.                     Height = 13
  1703.                     Caption = 'Originator:'
  1704.                   end
  1705.                   object ListServHelp: TTntLabel
  1706.                     Left = 9
  1707.                     Top = 63
  1708.                     Width = 74
  1709.                     Height = 13
  1710.                     Caption = 'List server help:'
  1711.                     FocusControl = ListServHelpEdit
  1712.                   end
  1713.                   object ModeratedListServer: TTntCheckBox
  1714.                     Left = 9
  1715.                     Top = 18
  1716.                     Width = 144
  1717.                     Height = 17
  1718.                     Caption = 'Moderated list server'
  1719.                     TabOrder = 0
  1720.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1721.                   end
  1722.                   object ListServPassword: TTntEdit
  1723.                     Left = 114
  1724.                     Top = 37
  1725.                     Width = 220
  1726.                     Height = 21
  1727.                     MaxLength = 127
  1728.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  1729.                     TabOrder = 1
  1730.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1731.                   end
  1732.                   object ListServOriginator: TTntComboBox
  1733.                     Left = 114
  1734.                     Top = 83
  1735.                     Width = 220
  1736.                     Height = 21
  1737.                     Style = csDropDownList
  1738.                     ItemHeight = 13
  1739.                     TabOrder = 5
  1740.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1741.                     Items.Strings = (
  1742.                       'Blank'
  1743.                       'Sender'
  1744.                       'Owner')
  1745.                   end
  1746.                   object SuppressList: TTntCheckBox
  1747.                     Left = 9
  1748.                     Top = 110
  1749.                     Width = 256
  1750.                     Height = 17
  1751.                     Caption = 'Suppress command responses'
  1752.                     TabOrder = 6
  1753.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1754.                   end
  1755.                   object ListServHelpEdit: TTntEdit
  1756.                     Left = 114
  1757.                     Top = 60
  1758.                     Width = 188
  1759.                     Height = 21
  1760.                     MaxLength = 255
  1761.                     TabOrder = 2
  1762.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1763.                   end
  1764.                   object ListServHelpBut: TTntButton
  1765.                     Tag = 5
  1766.                     Left = 302
  1767.                     Top = 60
  1768.                     Width = 20
  1769.                     Height = 21
  1770.                     Caption = '...'
  1771.                     TabOrder = 3
  1772.                     OnClick = ListFileButtonClick
  1773.                   end
  1774.                   object ListServViewBut: TTntButton
  1775.                     Tag = 7
  1776.                     Left = 322
  1777.                     Top = 60
  1778.                     Width = 12
  1779.                     Height = 21
  1780.                     Caption = ':'
  1781.                     TabOrder = 4
  1782.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  1783.                   end
  1784.                 end
  1785.               end
  1786.               object BWListServSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1787.                 HelpContext = 1125
  1788.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  1789.                 ImageIndex = 7
  1790.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  1791.                 object ListServBWGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  1792.                   Left = 0
  1793.                   Top = 0
  1794.                   Width = 597
  1795.                   Height = 41
  1796.                   Align = alTop
  1797.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  1798.                   TabOrder = 0
  1799.                   object ListServBW: TTntCheckBox
  1800.                     Left = 9
  1801.                     Top = 17
  1802.                     Width = 128
  1803.                     Height = 17
  1804.                     Caption = 'Active'
  1805.                     TabOrder = 0
  1806.                     OnClick = UserChange
  1807.                   end
  1808.                 end
  1809.               end
  1810.             end
  1811.             object MailingListControl: TTntPageControl
  1812.               Left = 0
  1813.               Top = 0
  1814.               Width = 630
  1815.               Height = 573
  1816.               HelpContext = 383
  1817.               ActivePage = MailingListSheet
  1818.               Align = alClient
  1819.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  1820.               MultiLine = True
  1821.               TabOrder = 2
  1822.               TabStop = False
  1823.               OnChange = MailingListControlChange
  1824.               object MailingListSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1825.                 HelpContext = 384
  1826.                 Caption = 'Mailing List'
  1827.                 ImageIndex = 56
  1828.                 object MailingListBox: TTntGroupBox
  1829.                   Left = 0
  1830.                   Top = 0
  1831.                   Width = 622
  1832.                   Height = 135
  1833.                   Align = alTop
  1834.                   Caption = 'Mailing List'
  1835.                   TabOrder = 0
  1836.                   object AliasMLabel: TTntLabel
  1837.                     Left = 9
  1838.                     Top = 17
  1839.                     Width = 25
  1840.                     Height = 13
  1841.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
  1842.                     FocusControl = AliasMailEdit
  1843.                   end
  1844.                   object DescriptionLabel: TTntLabel
  1845.                     Left = 9
  1846.                     Top = 40
  1847.                     Width = 56
  1848.                     Height = 13
  1849.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  1850.                     FocusControl = MailDescEdit
  1851.                   end
  1852.                   object OwnerLabel: TTntLabel
  1853.                     Left = 9
  1854.                     Top = 63
  1855.                     Width = 34
  1856.                     Height = 13
  1857.                     Caption = 'Owner:'
  1858.                     FocusControl = OwnerEdit
  1859.                   end
  1860.                   object ListFileLabel: TTntLabel
  1861.                     Left = 9
  1862.                     Top = 109
  1863.                     Width = 35
  1864.                     Height = 13
  1865.                     Caption = 'List file:'
  1866.                     FocusControl = ListFileEdit
  1867.                   end
  1868.                   object SendToLab: TTntLabel
  1869.                     Left = 9
  1870.                     Top = 87
  1871.                     Width = 37
  1872.                     Height = 13
  1873.                     Caption = 'Source:'
  1874.                   end
  1875.                   object AliasMailEdit: TTntEdit
  1876.                     Tag = 9
  1877.                     Left = 98
  1878.                     Top = 14
  1879.                     Width = 212
  1880.                     Height = 21
  1881.                     MaxLength = 255
  1882.                     TabOrder = 0
  1883.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1884.                   end
  1885.                   object MailDescEdit: TTntEdit
  1886.                     Left = 98
  1887.                     Top = 37
  1888.                     Width = 212
  1889.                     Height = 21
  1890.                     MaxLength = 255
  1891.                     TabOrder = 1
  1892.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1893.                   end
  1894.                   object OwnerEdit: TTntEdit
  1895.                     Left = 98
  1896.                     Top = 60
  1897.                     Width = 192
  1898.                     Height = 21
  1899.                     MaxLength = 255
  1900.                     TabOrder = 2
  1901.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1902.                   end
  1903.                   object ListFileEdit: TTntEdit
  1904.                     Left = 98
  1905.                     Top = 106
  1906.                     Width = 192
  1907.                     Height = 21
  1908.                     MaxLength = 255
  1909.                     TabOrder = 5
  1910.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1911.                   end
  1912.                   object ListFileButton: TTntButton
  1913.                     Tag = 1
  1914.                     Left = 289
  1915.                     Top = 106
  1916.                     Width = 21
  1917.                     Height = 21
  1918.                     Caption = '...'
  1919.                     TabOrder = 6
  1920.                     OnClick = ListFileButtonClick
  1921.                   end
  1922.                   object SendAllMail: TTntComboBox
  1923.                     Left = 98
  1924.                     Top = 83
  1925.                     Width = 212
  1926.                     Height = 21
  1927.                     Style = csDropDownList
  1928.                     ItemHeight = 13
  1929.                     TabOrder = 4
  1930.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1931.                     Items.Strings = (
  1932.                       'Members from text file'
  1933.                       'Members from database'
  1934.                       'All current domain users'
  1935.                       'All system users'
  1936.                       'All system domain administrators'
  1937.                       'All system administrators')
  1938.                   end
  1939.                   object OwnerListButton: TTntButton
  1940.                     Left = 289
  1941.                     Top = 60
  1942.                     Width = 21
  1943.                     Height = 21
  1944.                     Caption = '...'
  1945.                     TabOrder = 3
  1946.                     OnClick = OwnerListButtonClick
  1947.                   end
  1948.                 end
  1949.                 object ODBCMailGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  1950.                   Left = 0
  1951.                   Top = 135
  1952.                   Width = 622
  1953.                   Height = 161
  1954.                   Align = alTop
  1955.                   Caption = 'Database'
  1956.                   TabOrder = 1
  1957.                   object SQLQueryLabel: TTntLabel
  1958.                     Left = 9
  1959.                     Top = 16
  1960.                     Width = 78
  1961.                     Height = 13
  1962.                     Caption = 'SQL statements:'
  1963.                   end
  1964.                   object SQLQuery: TTntMemo
  1965.                     Left = 9
  1966.                     Top = 32
  1967.                     Width = 301
  1968.                     Height = 97
  1969.                     TabOrder = 0
  1970.                     OnChange = UserChange
  1971.                   end
  1972.                   object MailODBCButton: TTntButton
  1973.                     Left = 9
  1974.                     Top = 131
  1975.                     Width = 104
  1976.                     Height = 23
  1977.                     Caption = 'DB Settings...'
  1978.                     TabOrder = 1
  1979.                     OnClick = MailODBCButtonClick
  1980.                   end
  1981.                   object TestSQL: TTntButton
  1982.                     Left = 116
  1983.                     Top = 131
  1984.                     Width = 104
  1985.                     Height = 23
  1986.                     Caption = 'Test SQL Query...'
  1987.                     TabOrder = 2
  1988.                     OnClick = TestSQLClick
  1989.                   end
  1990.                 end
  1991.               end
  1992.               object ListMembersSheet: TTntTabSheet
  1993.                 HelpContext = 387
  1994.                 Caption = 'Members'
  1995.                 ImageIndex = 52
  1996.               end
  1997.               object OptionsMailingList: TTntTabSheet
  1998.                 HelpContext = 394
  1999.                 Caption = 'Message'
  2000.                 ImageIndex = 23
  2001.                 object MailListOptions: TTntGroupBox
  2002.                   Left = 0
  2003.                   Top = 132
  2004.                   Width = 622
  2005.                   Height = 164
  2006.                   Align = alTop
  2007.                   Caption = 'Message'
  2008.                   TabOrder = 2
  2009.                   object AddToSubjLabel: TTntLabel
  2010.                     Left = 9
  2011.                     Top = 39
  2012.                     Width = 73
  2013.                     Height = 13
  2014.                     Caption = 'Add to Subject:'
  2015.                   end
  2016.                   object OriginatorLabel: TTntLabel
  2017.                     Left = 9
  2018.                     Top = 112
  2019.                     Width = 48
  2020.                     Height = 13
  2021.                     Caption = 'Originator:'
  2022.                   end
  2023.                   object AddHeadersL: TTntLabel
  2024.                     Left = 9
  2025.                     Top = 60
  2026.                     Width = 62
  2027.                     Height = 13
  2028.                     Caption = 'Edit headers:'
  2029.                   end
  2030.                   object AddToSubject: TTntEdit
  2031.                     Left = 112
  2032.                     Top = 34
  2033.                     Width = 188
  2034.                     Height = 21
  2035.                     MaxLength = 127
  2036.                     TabOrder = 1
  2037.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2038.                   end
  2039.                   object MailListSender: TTntComboBox
  2040.                     Left = 112
  2041.                     Top = 108
  2042.                     Width = 189
  2043.                     Height = 21
  2044.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2045.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2046.                     TabOrder = 3
  2047.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2048.                     Items.Strings = (
  2049.                       'Blank'
  2050.                       'Sender'
  2051.                       'Owner')
  2052.                   end
  2053.                   object SeparateTo: TTntCheckBox
  2054.                     Left = 9
  2055.                     Top = 16
  2056.                     Width = 216
  2057.                     Height = 17
  2058.                     Caption = 'Set recipient to To: header'
  2059.                     TabOrder = 0
  2060.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2061.                   end
  2062.                   object AddHeaders: TTntMemo
  2063.                     Left = 112
  2064.                     Top = 58
  2065.                     Width = 188
  2066.                     Height = 47
  2067.                     ScrollBars = ssVertical
  2068.                     TabOrder = 2
  2069.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2070.                   end
  2071.                   object HeaderFooterButton: TTntButton
  2072.                     Tag = 15
  2073.                     Left = 8
  2074.                     Top = 134
  2075.                     Width = 113
  2076.                     Height = 23
  2077.                     Caption = 'Header / Footer...'
  2078.                     TabOrder = 4
  2079.                     OnClick = HeaderFooterButtonClick
  2080.                   end
  2081.                 end
  2082.                 object ReplyToHeaderBox: TTntGroupBox
  2083.                   Left = 0
  2084.                   Top = 66
  2085.                   Width = 622
  2086.                   Height = 66
  2087.                   Align = alTop
  2088.                   Caption = 'Reply-To: Header'
  2089.                   TabOrder = 1
  2090.                   object ReplyToMailActionL: TTntLabel
  2091.                     Left = 9
  2092.                     Top = 20
  2093.                     Width = 33
  2094.                     Height = 13
  2095.                     Caption = 'Action:'
  2096.                   end
  2097.                   object MailReplyToValueL: TTntLabel
  2098.                     Left = 9
  2099.                     Top = 42
  2100.                     Width = 30
  2101.                     Height = 13
  2102.                     Caption = 'Value:'
  2103.                   end
  2104.                   object ReplyToMailType: TTntComboBox
  2105.                     Left = 112
  2106.                     Top = 16
  2107.                     Width = 186
  2108.                     Height = 21
  2109.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2110.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2111.                     TabOrder = 0
  2112.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2113.                     Items.Strings = (
  2114.                       'No change'
  2115.                       'Set to sender'
  2116.                       'Set to value')
  2117.                   end
  2118.                   object SetReplyToEdit: TTntEdit
  2119.                     Left = 112
  2120.                     Top = 39
  2121.                     Width = 186
  2122.                     Height = 21
  2123.                     MaxLength = 127
  2124.                     TabOrder = 1
  2125.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2126.                   end
  2127.                 end
  2128.                 object FromHeaderBox: TTntGroupBox
  2129.                   Left = 0
  2130.                   Top = 0
  2131.                   Width = 622
  2132.                   Height = 66
  2133.                   Align = alTop
  2134.                   Caption = 'From: Header'
  2135.                   TabOrder = 0
  2136.                   object MailFromValueL: TTntLabel
  2137.                     Left = 9
  2138.                     Top = 42
  2139.                     Width = 30
  2140.                     Height = 13
  2141.                     Caption = 'Value:'
  2142.                   end
  2143.                   object MailFromActionL: TTntLabel
  2144.                     Left = 9
  2145.                     Top = 20
  2146.                     Width = 33
  2147.                     Height = 13
  2148.                     Caption = 'Action:'
  2149.                   end
  2150.                   object SetFromValue: TTntEdit
  2151.                     Left = 112
  2152.                     Top = 39
  2153.                     Width = 186
  2154.                     Height = 21
  2155.                     MaxLength = 127
  2156.                     TabOrder = 1
  2157.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2158.                   end
  2159.                   object FromMailType: TTntComboBox
  2160.                     Left = 112
  2161.                     Top = 16
  2162.                     Width = 186
  2163.                     Height = 21
  2164.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2165.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2166.                     TabOrder = 0
  2167.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2168.                     Items.Strings = (
  2169.                       'No change'
  2170.                       'Set to sender'
  2171.                       'Set to value')
  2172.                   end
  2173.                 end
  2174.               end
  2175.               object MailSecuritySheet: TTntTabSheet
  2176.                 HelpContext = 391
  2177.                 Caption = 'Security'
  2178.                 ImageIndex = 19
  2179.                 object MaiLSecBox: TTntGroupBox
  2180.                   Left = 0
  2181.                   Top = 0
  2182.                   Width = 622
  2183.                   Height = 203
  2184.                   Align = alTop
  2185.                   Caption = 'Security'
  2186.                   TabOrder = 0
  2187.                   object ModeratedListLabel: TTntLabel
  2188.                     Left = 9
  2189.                     Top = 63
  2190.                     Width = 49
  2191.                     Height = 13
  2192.                     Caption = 'Password:'
  2193.                   end
  2194.                   object AllowLabel: TTntLabel
  2195.                     Left = 9
  2196.                     Top = 86
  2197.                     Width = 84
  2198.                     Height = 13
  2199.                     Caption = 'Allow subscribers:'
  2200.                   end
  2201.                   object MailListTypeL: TTntLabel
  2202.                     Left = 9
  2203.                     Top = 40
  2204.                     Width = 99
  2205.                     Height = 13
  2206.                     Caption = 'Password protection:'
  2207.                   end
  2208.                   object MDefaultRightsL: TTntLabel
  2209.                     Left = 9
  2210.                     Top = 109
  2211.                     Width = 65
  2212.                     Height = 13
  2213.                     Caption = 'Default rights:'
  2214.                   end
  2215.                   object MaxMembersL: TTntLabel
  2216.                     Left = 9
  2217.                     Top = 158
  2218.                     Width = 98
  2219.                     Height = 13
  2220.                     Caption = 'Max members count:'
  2221.                   end
  2222.                   object DenyEXPNList: TTntCheckBox
  2223.                     Left = 9
  2224.                     Top = 178
  2225.                     Width = 128
  2226.                     Height = 17
  2227.                     Caption = 'Deny EXPN'
  2228.                     TabOrder = 11
  2229.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2230.                   end
  2231.                   object ModeratedPasswordEdit: TTntEdit
  2232.                     Left = 144
  2233.                     Top = 60
  2234.                     Width = 169
  2235.                     Height = 21
  2236.                     MaxLength = 127
  2237.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  2238.                     TabOrder = 2
  2239.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2240.                   end
  2241.                   object MembersOnly: TTntCheckBox
  2242.                     Left = 9
  2243.                     Top = 16
  2244.                     Width = 225
  2245.                     Height = 17
  2246.                     Caption = 'Only members can post new messages'
  2247.                     TabOrder = 0
  2248.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2249.                   end
  2250.                   object MaxMailListSize: TTntCheckBox
  2251.                     Left = 9
  2252.                     Top = 132
  2253.                     Width = 136
  2254.                     Height = 17
  2255.                     Caption = 'Max message size:'
  2256.                     TabOrder = 7
  2257.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2258.                   end
  2259.                   object MaxMailListSizeEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  2260.                     Left = 220
  2261.                     Top = 130
  2262.                     Width = 49
  2263.                     Height = 21
  2264.                     TabOrder = 8
  2265.                     Text = '0'
  2266.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2267.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  2268.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  2269.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  2270.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  2271.                   end
  2272.                   object AllowEdit: TTntEdit
  2273.                     Left = 144
  2274.                     Top = 83
  2275.                     Width = 137
  2276.                     Height = 21
  2277.                     MaxLength = 255
  2278.                     TabOrder = 3
  2279.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2280.                   end
  2281.                   object AllowSubEdit: TTntButton
  2282.                     Tag = 7
  2283.                     Left = 281
  2284.                     Top = 83
  2285.                     Width = 20
  2286.                     Height = 21
  2287.                     Caption = '...'
  2288.                     TabOrder = 4
  2289.                     OnClick = ListFileButtonClick
  2290.                   end
  2291.                   object AllowSubView: TTntButton
  2292.                     Tag = 40
  2293.                     Left = 301
  2294.                     Top = 83
  2295.                     Width = 12
  2296.                     Height = 21
  2297.                     Caption = ':'
  2298.                     TabOrder = 5
  2299.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  2300.                   end
  2301.                   object MailType: TTntComboBox
  2302.                     Left = 144
  2303.                     Top = 37
  2304.                     Width = 169
  2305.                     Height = 21
  2306.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2307.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2308.                     TabOrder = 1
  2309.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2310.                     Items.Strings = (
  2311.                       'Not password protected'
  2312.                       'Server moderated'
  2313.                       'Client moderated')
  2314.                   end
  2315.                   object DefaultRights: TTntComboBox
  2316.                     Left = 144
  2317.                     Top = 106
  2318.                     Width = 170
  2319.                     Height = 21
  2320.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2321.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2322.                     TabOrder = 6
  2323.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2324.                     Items.Strings = (
  2325.                       'Receive & Post'
  2326.                       'Digest receive & Post'
  2327.                       'Receive only'
  2328.                       'Digest receive only'
  2329.                       'Post only')
  2330.                   end
  2331.                   object MaxMailListSizeEditUnits: TTntComboBox
  2332.                     Left = 272
  2333.                     Top = 130
  2334.                     Width = 42
  2335.                     Height = 21
  2336.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2337.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2338.                     TabOrder = 9
  2339.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2340.                     Items.Strings = (
  2341.                       'kB'
  2342.                       'MB'
  2343.                       'GB')
  2344.                   end
  2345.                   object MaxMembers: TAdvancedEdit
  2346.                     Left = 220
  2347.                     Top = 154
  2348.                     Width = 93
  2349.                     Height = 21
  2350.                     TabOrder = 10
  2351.                     Text = '0'
  2352.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2353.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  2354.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  2355.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  2356.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  2357.                   end
  2358.                 end
  2359.               end
  2360.               object MailHeaderSheet: TTntTabSheet
  2361.                 HelpContext = 398
  2362.                 Caption = 'Options'
  2363.                 ImageIndex = 30
  2364.                 object MailMiscBox: TTntGroupBox
  2365.                   Left = 0
  2366.                   Top = 0
  2367.                   Width = 597
  2368.                   Height = 337
  2369.                   Align = alTop
  2370.                   Caption = 'Options'
  2371.                   TabOrder = 0
  2372.                   object SubListFileLabel: TTntLabel
  2373.                     Left = 8
  2374.                     Top = 239
  2375.                     Width = 38
  2376.                     Height = 13
  2377.                     Caption = 'Join file:'
  2378.                   end
  2379.                   object LeaveFL: TTntLabel
  2380.                     Left = 8
  2381.                     Top = 263
  2382.                     Width = 49
  2383.                     Height = 13
  2384.                     Caption = 'Leave file:'
  2385.                   end
  2386.                   object NotifyOwnerL: TTntLabel
  2387.                     Left = 8
  2388.                     Top = 216
  2389.                     Width = 62
  2390.                     Height = 13
  2391.                     Caption = 'Notify owner:'
  2392.                   end
  2393.                   object MaxNumberMailListL: TTntLabel
  2394.                     Left = 8
  2395.                     Top = 194
  2396.                     Width = 205
  2397.                     Height = 13
  2398.                     Caption = 'Max # of messages to send out in 1 minute:'
  2399.                   end
  2400.                   object CopyToOwner: TTntCheckBox
  2401.                     Left = 8
  2402.                     Top = 38
  2403.                     Width = 193
  2404.                     Height = 17
  2405.                     Caption = 'Forward copy to owner'
  2406.                     TabOrder = 1
  2407.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2408.                   end
  2409.                   object SendToSender: TTntCheckBox
  2410.                     Left = 8
  2411.                     Top = 16
  2412.                     Width = 185
  2413.                     Height = 17
  2414.                     Caption = 'Send to sender'
  2415.                     TabOrder = 0
  2416.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2417.                   end
  2418.                   object ProcessVariables: TTntCheckBox
  2419.                     Left = 8
  2420.                     Top = 104
  2421.                     Width = 241
  2422.                     Height = 17
  2423.                     Caption = 'Process mailing list variables'
  2424.                     TabOrder = 4
  2425.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2426.                   end
  2427.                   object SubListFileEdit: TTntEdit
  2428.                     Left = 92
  2429.                     Top = 236
  2430.                     Width = 189
  2431.                     Height = 21
  2432.                     MaxLength = 255
  2433.                     TabOrder = 11
  2434.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2435.                   end
  2436.                   object ListFileSubBut: TTntButton
  2437.                     Tag = 2
  2438.                     Left = 281
  2439.                     Top = 236
  2440.                     Width = 20
  2441.                     Height = 21
  2442.                     Caption = '...'
  2443.                     TabOrder = 12
  2444.                     OnClick = ListFileButtonClick
  2445.                   end
  2446.                   object SubListFileView: TTntButton
  2447.                     Left = 9
  2448.                     Top = 284
  2449.                     Width = 112
  2450.                     Height = 23
  2451.                     Caption = 'Join Message...'
  2452.                     TabOrder = 15
  2453.                     OnClick = SubListFileViewClick
  2454.                   end
  2455.                   object LeaveEdit: TTntEdit
  2456.                     Left = 92
  2457.                     Top = 260
  2458.                     Width = 189
  2459.                     Height = 21
  2460.                     MaxLength = 255
  2461.                     TabOrder = 13
  2462.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2463.                   end
  2464.                   object LeaveEditOpenButt: TTntButton
  2465.                     Tag = 8
  2466.                     Left = 281
  2467.                     Top = 260
  2468.                     Width = 20
  2469.                     Height = 21
  2470.                     Caption = '...'
  2471.                     TabOrder = 14
  2472.                     OnClick = ListFileButtonClick
  2473.                   end
  2474.                   object LeaveEditButton: TTntButton
  2475.                     Tag = 1
  2476.                     Left = 125
  2477.                     Top = 284
  2478.                     Width = 112
  2479.                     Height = 23
  2480.                     Caption = 'Leave Message...'
  2481.                     TabOrder = 16
  2482.                     OnClick = SubListFileViewClick
  2483.                   end
  2484.                   object SetListOwner: TTntCheckBox
  2485.                     Left = 8
  2486.                     Top = 60
  2487.                     Width = 217
  2488.                     Height = 17
  2489.                     Caption = 'Digest mailing list'
  2490.                     TabOrder = 2
  2491.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2492.                   end
  2493.                   object NotifyJoin: TTntCheckBox
  2494.                     Left = 92
  2495.                     Top = 215
  2496.                     Width = 85
  2497.                     Height = 17
  2498.                     Caption = 'Join'
  2499.                     TabOrder = 9
  2500.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2501.                   end
  2502.                   object NotifyLeave: TTntCheckBox
  2503.                     Left = 184
  2504.                     Top = 215
  2505.                     Width = 129
  2506.                     Height = 17
  2507.                     Caption = 'Leave'
  2508.                     TabOrder = 10
  2509.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2510.                   end
  2511.                   object RemoveDead: TTntCheckBox
  2512.                     Left = 8
  2513.                     Top = 170
  2514.                     Width = 297
  2515.                     Height = 17
  2516.                     Caption = 'Remove dead email addresses'
  2517.                     TabOrder = 7
  2518.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2519.                   end
  2520.                   object MaxBatchLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  2521.                     Left = 252
  2522.                     Top = 192
  2523.                     Width = 49
  2524.                     Height = 21
  2525.                     TabOrder = 8
  2526.                     Text = '0'
  2527.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2528.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  2529.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  2530.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  2531.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  2532.                   end
  2533.                   object FieldsODBC: TTntCheckBox
  2534.                     Left = 8
  2535.                     Top = 126
  2536.                     Width = 273
  2537.                     Height = 17
  2538.                     Caption = 'Personalized mailing list - variable fields'
  2539.                     TabOrder = 5
  2540.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2541.                   end
  2542.                   object ListRelay: TTntCheckBox
  2543.                     Left = 8
  2544.                     Top = 82
  2545.                     Width = 297
  2546.                     Height = 17
  2547.                     Caption = 'Relay local messages'
  2548.                     TabOrder = 3
  2549.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2550.                   end
  2551.                   object UpdateDateBox: TTntCheckBox
  2552.                     Left = 8
  2553.                     Top = 148
  2554.                     Width = 273
  2555.                     Height = 17
  2556.                     Caption = 'Update Date: header'
  2557.                     TabOrder = 6
  2558.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2559.                   end
  2560.                 end
  2561.               end
  2562.               object BWListSheet: TTntTabSheet
  2563.                 HelpContext = 1125
  2564.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  2565.                 ImageIndex = 7
  2566.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  2567.                 object ListBWGroupbox: TTntGroupBox
  2568.                   Left = 0
  2569.                   Top = 0
  2570.                   Width = 597
  2571.                   Height = 41
  2572.                   Align = alTop
  2573.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  2574.                   TabOrder = 0
  2575.                   object ListBW: TTntCheckBox
  2576.                     Left = 9
  2577.                     Top = 17
  2578.                     Width = 128
  2579.                     Height = 17
  2580.                     Caption = 'Active'
  2581.                     TabOrder = 0
  2582.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2583.                   end
  2584.                 end
  2585.               end
  2586.             end
  2587.             object RemoteAccountControl: TTntPageControl
  2588.               Left = 0
  2589.               Top = 0
  2590.               Width = 630
  2591.               Height = 573
  2592.               HelpContext = 419
  2593.               ActivePage = RemoteAccountSheet
  2594.               Align = alClient
  2595.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  2596.               MultiLine = True
  2597.               TabOrder = 3
  2598.               TabStop = False
  2599.               OnChange = PageControlFocusChange
  2600.               object RemoteAccountSheet: TTntTabSheet
  2601.                 HelpContext = 420
  2602.                 Caption = 'Remote Account'
  2603.                 ImageIndex = 57
  2604.                 object RemoteBox: TTntGroupBox
  2605.                   Left = 0
  2606.                   Top = 0
  2607.                   Width = 622
  2608.                   Height = 254
  2609.                   Align = alTop
  2610.                   Caption = 'Remote Account'
  2611.                   TabOrder = 0
  2612.                   object RemoteName: TTntLabel
  2613.                     Left = 9
  2614.                     Top = 41
  2615.                     Width = 31
  2616.                     Height = 13
  2617.                     Caption = 'Name:'
  2618.                     FocusControl = RemoteNameEdit
  2619.                   end
  2620.                   object POP3La: TTntLabel
  2621.                     Left = 9
  2622.                     Top = 64
  2623.                     Width = 34
  2624.                     Height = 13
  2625.                     Caption = 'Server:'
  2626.                     FocusControl = POP3Edit
  2627.                   end
  2628.                   object UserL: TTntLabel
  2629.                     Left = 9
  2630.                     Top = 109
  2631.                     Width = 51
  2632.                     Height = 13
  2633.                     Caption = 'Username:'
  2634.                     FocusControl = UserNEdit
  2635.                   end
  2636.                   object PassLa: TTntLabel
  2637.                     Left = 9
  2638.                     Top = 132
  2639.                     Width = 49
  2640.                     Height = 13
  2641.                     Caption = 'Password:'
  2642.                     FocusControl = PasswordEdit
  2643.                   end
  2644.                   object RemoteForwardLabel: TTntLabel
  2645.                     Left = 9
  2646.                     Top = 200
  2647.                     Width = 53
  2648.                     Height = 13
  2649.                     Caption = 'Forward to:'
  2650.                     FocusControl = RemoteForward
  2651.                   end
  2652.                   object ServerTL: TTntLabel
  2653.                     Left = 9
  2654.                     Top = 87
  2655.                     Width = 57
  2656.                     Height = 13
  2657.                     Caption = 'Server type:'
  2658.                     FocusControl = RemoteForward
  2659.                   end
  2660.                   object RemoteTLSSSLL: TTntLabel
  2661.                     Left = 9
  2662.                     Top = 180
  2663.                     Width = 48
  2664.                     Height = 13
  2665.                     Caption = 'TLS/SSL:'
  2666.                   end
  2667.                   object RemoteNameEdit: TTntEdit
  2668.                     Left = 104
  2669.                     Top = 37
  2670.                     Width = 204
  2671.                     Height = 21
  2672.                     MaxLength = 63
  2673.                     TabOrder = 1
  2674.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2675.                   end
  2676.                   object POP3Edit: TTntEdit
  2677.                     Left = 104
  2678.                     Top = 60
  2679.                     Width = 204
  2680.                     Height = 21
  2681.                     MaxLength = 255
  2682.                     TabOrder = 2
  2683.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2684.                   end
  2685.                   object UserNEdit: TTntEdit
  2686.                     Left = 104
  2687.                     Top = 105
  2688.                     Width = 204
  2689.                     Height = 21
  2690.                     MaxLength = 127
  2691.                     TabOrder = 5
  2692.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2693.                   end
  2694.                   object PasswordEdit: TTntEdit
  2695.                     Left = 104
  2696.                     Top = 128
  2697.                     Width = 204
  2698.                     Height = 21
  2699.                     MaxLength = 127
  2700.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  2701.                     TabOrder = 6
  2702.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2703.                   end
  2704.                   object APOPBox: TTntCheckBox
  2705.                     Left = 10
  2706.                     Top = 153
  2707.                     Width = 144
  2708.                     Height = 17
  2709.                     Caption = 'Log in using APOP'
  2710.                     TabOrder = 7
  2711.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2712.                   end
  2713.                   object ScheduleButton: TTntButton
  2714.                     Left = 8
  2715.                     Top = 222
  2716.                     Width = 75
  2717.                     Height = 23
  2718.                     Caption = 'Schedule...'
  2719.                     TabOrder = 11
  2720.                     OnClick = ScheduleButtonClick
  2721.                   end
  2722.                   object RemoteForward: TTntEdit
  2723.                     Left = 104
  2724.                     Top = 197
  2725.                     Width = 182
  2726.                     Height = 21
  2727.                     MaxLength = 127
  2728.                     TabOrder = 9
  2729.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2730.                   end
  2731.                   object RemoteCheckNowButton: TTntButton
  2732.                     Left = 87
  2733.                     Top = 222
  2734.                     Width = 84
  2735.                     Height = 23
  2736.                     Caption = 'Connect Now'
  2737.                     TabOrder = 12
  2738.                     OnClick = RemoteCheckNowButtonClick
  2739.                   end
  2740.                   object RemoteSSL: TTntComboBox
  2741.                     Left = 104
  2742.                     Top = 174
  2743.                     Width = 205
  2744.                     Height = 21
  2745.                     Style = csDropDownList
  2746.                     ItemHeight = 13
  2747.                     TabOrder = 8
  2748.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2749.                     Items.Strings = (
  2750.                       'Detect TLS/SSL'
  2751.                       'Direct TLS/SSL'
  2752.                       'Disable TLS/SSL')
  2753.                   end
  2754.                   object RAPOP3: TTntRadioButton
  2755.                     Left = 103
  2756.                     Top = 87
  2757.                     Width = 57
  2758.                     Height = 17
  2759.                     Caption = 'POP3'
  2760.                     Checked = True
  2761.                     TabOrder = 3
  2762.                     TabStop = True
  2763.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2764.                   end
  2765.                   object RAIMAP: TTntRadioButton
  2766.                     Left = 160
  2767.                     Top = 87
  2768.                     Width = 65
  2769.                     Height = 17
  2770.                     Caption = 'IMAP4'
  2771.                     TabOrder = 4
  2772.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2773.                   end
  2774.                   object RAForwardSelect: TTntButton
  2775.                     Tag = 2
  2776.                     Left = 286
  2777.                     Top = 197
  2778.                     Width = 21
  2779.                     Height = 21
  2780.                     Caption = '...'
  2781.                     TabOrder = 10
  2782.                     OnClick = SelectButtonClick
  2783.                   end
  2784.                   object RemoteEnabledBox: TTntCheckBox
  2785.                     Left = 10
  2786.                     Top = 18
  2787.                     Width = 144
  2788.                     Height = 17
  2789.                     Caption = 'Active'
  2790.                     TabOrder = 0
  2791.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2792.                   end
  2793.                 end
  2794.               end
  2795.               object SpecialRemoteSheet: TTntTabSheet
  2796.                 HelpContext = 426
  2797.                 Caption = 'Options'
  2798.                 ImageIndex = 30
  2799.                 object RSBox: TTntGroupBox
  2800.                   Left = 0
  2801.                   Top = 133
  2802.                   Width = 597
  2803.                   Height = 112
  2804.                   Align = alTop
  2805.                   Caption = 'Special'
  2806.                   TabOrder = 1
  2807.                   object ForwardExtraCopyL: TTntLabel
  2808.                     Left = 9
  2809.                     Top = 18
  2810.                     Width = 105
  2811.                     Height = 13
  2812.                     Caption = 'Forward extra copy to:'
  2813.                     FocusControl = ForwardExtra
  2814.                   end
  2815.                   object ForwardExtra: TTntEdit
  2816.                     Left = 8
  2817.                     Top = 33
  2818.                     Width = 289
  2819.                     Height = 21
  2820.                     MaxLength = 127
  2821.                     TabOrder = 0
  2822.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2823.                   end
  2824.                   object ConvertDomainNameBox: TTntCheckBox
  2825.                     Left = 9
  2826.                     Top = 62
  2827.                     Width = 176
  2828.                     Height = 17
  2829.                     Caption = 'Convert domain names:'
  2830.                     TabOrder = 1
  2831.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2832.                   end
  2833.                   object ConvertDomainName: TTntButton
  2834.                     Tag = 37
  2835.                     Left = 224
  2836.                     Top = 58
  2837.                     Width = 75
  2838.                     Height = 23
  2839.                     Caption = 'Domains...'
  2840.                     TabOrder = 2
  2841.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  2842.                   end
  2843.                   object EmailAddressRouting: TTntCheckBox
  2844.                     Left = 9
  2845.                     Top = 84
  2846.                     Width = 176
  2847.                     Height = 17
  2848.                     Caption = 'Email address routing:'
  2849.                     TabOrder = 3
  2850.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2851.                   end
  2852.                   object EmaiLAddrRouteButton: TTntButton
  2853.                     Tag = 38
  2854.                     Left = 224
  2855.                     Top = 82
  2856.                     Width = 75
  2857.                     Height = 23
  2858.                     Caption = 'Routing...'
  2859.                     TabOrder = 4
  2860.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  2861.                   end
  2862.                 end
  2863.                 object RemoteOptionsGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  2864.                   Left = 0
  2865.                   Top = 0
  2866.                   Width = 597
  2867.                   Height = 133
  2868.                   Align = alTop
  2869.                   Caption = 'Options'
  2870.                   TabOrder = 0
  2871.                   object DeleteNumberRL: TTntLabel
  2872.                     Left = 26
  2873.                     Top = 107
  2874.                     Width = 199
  2875.                     Height = 13
  2876.                     Caption = 'Delete messages if more than (Messages):'
  2877.                   end
  2878.                   object DeleteRemoteOlderL: TTntLabel
  2879.                     Left = 26
  2880.                     Top = 84
  2881.                     Width = 170
  2882.                     Height = 13
  2883.                     Caption = 'Delete message if older than (Days):'
  2884.                   end
  2885.                   object DedupeBox: TTntCheckBox
  2886.                     Left = 9
  2887.                     Top = 40
  2888.                     Width = 344
  2889.                     Height = 17
  2890.                     Caption = 'Dedupe collected mail'
  2891.                     TabOrder = 1
  2892.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2893.                   end
  2894.                   object LeaveBox: TTntCheckBox
  2895.                     Left = 9
  2896.                     Top = 62
  2897.                     Width = 336
  2898.                     Height = 17
  2899.                     Caption = 'Leave messages on server'
  2900.                     TabOrder = 2
  2901.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2902.                   end
  2903.                   object RemoteDeleteOlder: TAdvancedEdit
  2904.                     Left = 250
  2905.                     Top = 80
  2906.                     Width = 49
  2907.                     Height = 21
  2908.                     TabOrder = 3
  2909.                     Text = '0'
  2910.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2911.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  2912.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  2913.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  2914.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  2915.                   end
  2916.                   object RemoteDeleteCount: TAdvancedEdit
  2917.                     Left = 250
  2918.                     Top = 104
  2919.                     Width = 49
  2920.                     Height = 21
  2921.                     TabOrder = 4
  2922.                     Text = '0'
  2923.                     OnChange = UserChange
  2924.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  2925.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  2926.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  2927.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  2928.                   end
  2929.                   object RAReportAdmin: TTntCheckBox
  2930.                     Left = 9
  2931.                     Top = 18
  2932.                     Width = 456
  2933.                     Height = 17
  2934.                     Caption = 
  2935.                       'Notify administrator of session problems (connection/authenticat' +
  2936.                       'ion)'
  2937.                     TabOrder = 0
  2938.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2939.                   end
  2940.                 end
  2941.               end
  2942.               object DomainPOPSheet: TTntTabSheet
  2943.                 HelpContext = 429
  2944.                 Caption = 'Domain POP'
  2945.                 ImageIndex = 14
  2946.                 object RDomBox: TTntGroupBox
  2947.                   Left = 0
  2948.                   Top = 0
  2949.                   Width = 597
  2950.                   Height = 155
  2951.                   Align = alTop
  2952.                   Caption = 'Domain POP'
  2953.                   TabOrder = 0
  2954.                   object IfEmailL: TTntLabel
  2955.                     Left = 28
  2956.                     Top = 129
  2957.                     Width = 36
  2958.                     Height = 13
  2959.                     Caption = 'If email:'
  2960.                     FocusControl = IfEmailMatch
  2961.                   end
  2962.                   object DomainPOP: TTntCheckBox
  2963.                     Left = 9
  2964.                     Top = 18
  2965.                     Width = 304
  2966.                     Height = 17
  2967.                     Caption = 'Domain POP'
  2968.                     TabOrder = 0
  2969.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2970.                   end
  2971.                   object NoReceived: TTntCheckBox
  2972.                     Left = 9
  2973.                     Top = 40
  2974.                     Width = 320
  2975.                     Height = 17
  2976.                     Caption = 'Do not process Received: header'
  2977.                     TabOrder = 1
  2978.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2979.                   end
  2980.                   object XEnvelopeTo: TTntCheckBox
  2981.                     Left = 9
  2982.                     Top = 84
  2983.                     Width = 216
  2984.                     Height = 17
  2985.                     Caption = 'Parse these headers:'
  2986.                     TabOrder = 3
  2987.                     OnClick = UserChange
  2988.                   end
  2989.                   object OtherRAHeader: TTntButton
  2990.                     Tag = 32
  2991.                     Left = 224
  2992.                     Top = 82
  2993.                     Width = 75
  2994.                     Height = 23
  2995.                     Caption = 'Headers...'
  2996.                     TabOrder = 4
  2997.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  2998.                   end
  2999.                   object DoNames: TTntCheckBox
  3000.                     Left = 9
  3001.                     Top = 106
  3002.                     Width = 184
  3003.                     Height = 17
  3004.                     Caption = 'Real name address matching'
  3005.                     TabOrder = 5
  3006.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3007.                   end
  3008.                   object IfEmailMatch: TTntEdit
  3009.                     Left = 96
  3010.                     Top = 126
  3011.                     Width = 203
  3012.                     Height = 21
  3013.                     MaxLength = 127
  3014.                     TabOrder = 6
  3015.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3016.                   end
  3017.                   object StopParsingReceived: TTntCheckBox
  3018.                     Left = 9
  3019.                     Top = 62
  3020.                     Width = 320
  3021.                     Height = 17
  3022.                     Caption = 'Stop parsing if Received: yields a local address'
  3023.                     TabOrder = 2
  3024.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3025.                   end
  3026.                 end
  3027.               end
  3028.               object RARulesSheet: TTabSheet
  3029.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  3030.                 ImageIndex = 7
  3031.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  3032.               end
  3033.             end
  3034.             object StaticRouteControl: TTntPageControl
  3035.               Left = 0
  3036.               Top = 0
  3037.               Width = 630
  3038.               Height = 573
  3039.               HelpContext = 431
  3040.               ActivePage = StaticRouteSheet
  3041.               Align = alClient
  3042.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  3043.               MultiLine = True
  3044.               TabOrder = 4
  3045.               TabStop = False
  3046.               OnChange = PageControlFocusChange
  3047.               object StaticRouteSheet: TTntTabSheet
  3048.                 HelpContext = 432
  3049.                 Caption = 'Static Route'
  3050.                 ImageIndex = 55
  3051.                 object StaticBox: TTntGroupBox
  3052.                   Left = 0
  3053.                   Top = 0
  3054.                   Width = 622
  3055.                   Height = 135
  3056.                   Align = alTop
  3057.                   Caption = 'Static Route'
  3058.                   TabOrder = 0
  3059.                   object SRAl: TTntLabel
  3060.                     Left = 9
  3061.                     Top = 18
  3062.                     Width = 25
  3063.                     Height = 13
  3064.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
  3065.                     FocusControl = SRAliasEdit
  3066.                   end
  3067.                   object SRDesc: TTntLabel
  3068.                     Left = 9
  3069.                     Top = 40
  3070.                     Width = 56
  3071.                     Height = 13
  3072.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  3073.                     FocusControl = SRDescEdit
  3074.                   end
  3075.                   object SRVl: TTntLabel
  3076.                     Left = 9
  3077.                     Top = 86
  3078.                     Width = 30
  3079.                     Height = 13
  3080.                     Caption = 'Value:'
  3081.                     FocusControl = SRValueEdit
  3082.                   end
  3083.                   object SRAc: TTntLabel
  3084.                     Left = 9
  3085.                     Top = 65
  3086.                     Width = 33
  3087.                     Height = 13
  3088.                     Caption = 'Action:'
  3089.                   end
  3090.                   object SaveToLabel: TTntLabel
  3091.                     Left = 9
  3092.                     Top = 109
  3093.                     Width = 53
  3094.                     Height = 13
  3095.                     Caption = 'Forward to:'
  3096.                     FocusControl = SRSaveTo
  3097.                   end
  3098.                   object SRAliasEdit: TTntEdit
  3099.                     Tag = 10
  3100.                     Left = 96
  3101.                     Top = 14
  3102.                     Width = 212
  3103.                     Height = 21
  3104.                     MaxLength = 255
  3105.                     TabOrder = 0
  3106.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3107.                   end
  3108.                   object SRDescEdit: TTntEdit
  3109.                     Left = 96
  3110.                     Top = 37
  3111.                     Width = 212
  3112.                     Height = 21
  3113.                     MaxLength = 255
  3114.                     TabOrder = 1
  3115.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3116.                   end
  3117.                   object SRValueEdit: TTntEdit
  3118.                     Left = 96
  3119.                     Top = 83
  3120.                     Width = 212
  3121.                     Height = 21
  3122.                     MaxLength = 255
  3123.                     TabOrder = 4
  3124.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3125.                   end
  3126.                   object SRActiveBox: TTntComboBox
  3127.                     Left = 96
  3128.                     Top = 60
  3129.                     Width = 143
  3130.                     Height = 21
  3131.                     Style = csDropDownList
  3132.                     ItemHeight = 13
  3133.                     TabOrder = 2
  3134.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3135.                     Items.Strings = (
  3136.                       'Forward to address'
  3137.                       'Forward to domain'
  3138.                       'Forward to host'
  3139.                       'Deliver to this domain'
  3140.                       'Delete')
  3141.                   end
  3142.                   object ExternalDomain: TTntCheckBox
  3143.                     Left = 244
  3144.                     Top = 62
  3145.                     Width = 125
  3146.                     Height = 17
  3147.                     Caption = 'Forward'
  3148.                     TabOrder = 3
  3149.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3150.                   end
  3151.                   object SRSaveTo: TTntEdit
  3152.                     Left = 96
  3153.                     Top = 106
  3154.                     Width = 212
  3155.                     Height = 21
  3156.                     MaxLength = 255
  3157.                     TabOrder = 5
  3158.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3159.                   end
  3160.                 end
  3161.                 object FilterBox: TTntGroupBox
  3162.                   Left = 0
  3163.                   Top = 135
  3164.                   Width = 622
  3165.                   Height = 113
  3166.                   Align = alTop
  3167.                   Caption = 'Filter'
  3168.                   TabOrder = 1
  3169.                   Visible = False
  3170.                   object StaticTypeL: TTntLabel
  3171.                     Left = 9
  3172.                     Top = 91
  3173.                     Width = 27
  3174.                     Height = 13
  3175.                     Caption = 'Type:'
  3176.                     FocusControl = ApplicationEdit
  3177.                   end
  3178.                   object DefaultFilterRadio: TTntRadioButton
  3179.                     Left = 9
  3180.                     Top = 42
  3181.                     Width = 92
  3182.                     Height = 17
  3183.                     Caption = 'Filter'
  3184.                     TabOrder = 1
  3185.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3186.                   end
  3187.                   object ExternalFilterRadio: TTntRadioButton
  3188.                     Left = 9
  3189.                     Top = 66
  3190.                     Width = 84
  3191.                     Height = 17
  3192.                     Caption = 'External'
  3193.                     TabOrder = 3
  3194.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3195.                   end
  3196.                   object ExternalFilterEdit: TTntEdit
  3197.                     Left = 96
  3198.                     Top = 63
  3199.                     Width = 190
  3200.                     Height = 21
  3201.                     TabOrder = 4
  3202.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3203.                   end
  3204.                   object ExternalFilterButton: TTntButton
  3205.                     Tag = 3
  3206.                     Left = 287
  3207.                     Top = 63
  3208.                     Width = 20
  3209.                     Height = 21
  3210.                     Caption = '...'
  3211.                     TabOrder = 5
  3212.                     OnClick = ExternalFilterButtonClick
  3213.                   end
  3214.                   object FiltersShowButton: TTntButton
  3215.                     Tag = 1
  3216.                     Left = 232
  3217.                     Top = 39
  3218.                     Width = 75
  3219.                     Height = 23
  3220.                     Caption = 'Filters...'
  3221.                     TabOrder = 2
  3222.                     OnClick = FilterButtonClick
  3223.                   end
  3224.                   object RouteAll: TTntRadioButton
  3225.                     Left = 9
  3226.                     Top = 18
  3227.                     Width = 92
  3228.                     Height = 17
  3229.                     Caption = 'All'
  3230.                     Checked = True
  3231.                     TabOrder = 0
  3232.                     TabStop = True
  3233.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3234.                   end
  3235.                   object StaticExecType: TTntComboBox
  3236.                     Left = 96
  3237.                     Top = 86
  3238.                     Width = 212
  3239.                     Height = 21
  3240.                     Style = csDropDownList
  3241.                     ItemHeight = 13
  3242.                     TabOrder = 6
  3243.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3244.                     Items.Strings = (
  3245.                       'Executable'
  3246.                       'StdCall Library'
  3247.                       'Cdecl Library'
  3248.                       'URL')
  3249.                   end
  3250.                 end
  3251.               end
  3252.               object BWStaticSheet: TTntTabSheet
  3253.                 HelpContext = 1125
  3254.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  3255.                 ImageIndex = 7
  3256.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  3257.                 object StaticBWGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  3258.                   Left = 0
  3259.                   Top = 0
  3260.                   Width = 597
  3261.                   Height = 41
  3262.                   Align = alTop
  3263.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  3264.                   TabOrder = 0
  3265.                   object StaticBW: TTntCheckBox
  3266.                     Left = 9
  3267.                     Top = 17
  3268.                     Width = 128
  3269.                     Height = 17
  3270.                     Caption = 'Active'
  3271.                     TabOrder = 0
  3272.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3273.                   end
  3274.                 end
  3275.               end
  3276.             end
  3277.             object SMSControl: TTntPageControl
  3278.               Left = 0
  3279.               Top = 0
  3280.               Width = 630
  3281.               Height = 573
  3282.               HelpContext = 436
  3283.               ActivePage = SMSSheet
  3284.               Align = alClient
  3285.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  3286.               MultiLine = True
  3287.               TabOrder = 5
  3288.               TabStop = False
  3289.               OnChange = PageControlFocusChange
  3290.               object SMSSheet: TTntTabSheet
  3291.                 HelpContext = 437
  3292.                 Caption = 'Notification'
  3293.                 ImageIndex = 53
  3294.                 object SMSBox: TTntGroupBox
  3295.                   Left = 0
  3296.                   Top = 0
  3297.                   Width = 622
  3298.                   Height = 137
  3299.                   Align = alTop
  3300.                   Caption = 'Notification'
  3301.                   TabOrder = 0
  3302.                   object AliasSMSLabel: TTntLabel
  3303.                     Left = 9
  3304.                     Top = 18
  3305.                     Width = 25
  3306.                     Height = 13
  3307.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
  3308.                     FocusControl = SMSAliasEdit
  3309.                   end
  3310.                   object DescSMSLabel: TTntLabel
  3311.                     Left = 9
  3312.                     Top = 40
  3313.                     Width = 56
  3314.                     Height = 13
  3315.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  3316.                     FocusControl = SMSDescEdit
  3317.                   end
  3318.                   object SMSLabel: TTntLabel
  3319.                     Left = 9
  3320.                     Top = 63
  3321.                     Width = 42
  3322.                     Height = 13
  3323.                     Caption = 'Notify to:'
  3324.                     FocusControl = SMSToEdit
  3325.                   end
  3326.                   object SMSMaxSizeLabel: TTntLabel
  3327.                     Left = 9
  3328.                     Top = 87
  3329.                     Width = 124
  3330.                     Height = 13
  3331.                     Caption = 'Max message size (Bytes):'
  3332.                     FocusControl = SMSSizeEdit
  3333.                   end
  3334.                   object SMSCountLabel: TTntLabel
  3335.                     Left = 9
  3336.                     Top = 111
  3337.                     Width = 180
  3338.                     Height = 13
  3339.                     Caption = 'Split to multiple messages (Messages):'
  3340.                   end
  3341.                   object SMSAliasEdit: TTntEdit
  3342.                     Tag = 11
  3343.                     Left = 96
  3344.                     Top = 14
  3345.                     Width = 212
  3346.                     Height = 21
  3347.                     MaxLength = 255
  3348.                     TabOrder = 0
  3349.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3350.                   end
  3351.                   object SMSDescEdit: TTntEdit
  3352.                     Left = 96
  3353.                     Top = 37
  3354.                     Width = 212
  3355.                     Height = 21
  3356.                     MaxLength = 255
  3357.                     TabOrder = 1
  3358.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3359.                   end
  3360.                   object SMSToEdit: TTntEdit
  3361.                     Left = 96
  3362.                     Top = 60
  3363.                     Width = 212
  3364.                     Height = 21
  3365.                     MaxLength = 255
  3366.                     TabOrder = 2
  3367.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3368.                   end
  3369.                   object SMSSizeEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  3370.                     Left = 232
  3371.                     Top = 84
  3372.                     Width = 76
  3373.                     Height = 21
  3374.                     TabOrder = 3
  3375.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3376.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  3377.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  3378.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  3379.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  3380.                   end
  3381.                   object SMSCountEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  3382.                     Left = 232
  3383.                     Top = 107
  3384.                     Width = 76
  3385.                     Height = 21
  3386.                     TabOrder = 4
  3387.                     Text = '1'
  3388.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3389.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  3390.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  3391.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  3392.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  3393.                   end
  3394.                 end
  3395.               end
  3396.               object NotifyOther: TTntTabSheet
  3397.                 HelpContext = 439
  3398.                 Caption = 'Options'
  3399.                 ImageIndex = 30
  3400.                 object MessageGroupBoxNotify: TTntGroupBox
  3401.                   Left = 0
  3402.                   Top = 0
  3403.                   Width = 622
  3404.                   Height = 94
  3405.                   Align = alTop
  3406.                   Caption = 'Message'
  3407.                   TabOrder = 0
  3408.                   object SMSIntoSubject: TTntCheckBox
  3409.                     Left = 9
  3410.                     Top = 17
  3411.                     Width = 232
  3412.                     Height = 17
  3413.                     Caption = 'Insert into subject'
  3414.                     TabOrder = 0
  3415.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3416.                   end
  3417.                   object SMSDateTime: TTntCheckBox
  3418.                     Left = 183
  3419.                     Top = 39
  3420.                     Width = 82
  3421.                     Height = 17
  3422.                     Caption = 'Date/Time'
  3423.                     TabOrder = 4
  3424.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3425.                   end
  3426.                   object SMSBody: TTntCheckBox
  3427.                     Left = 269
  3428.                     Top = 39
  3429.                     Width = 68
  3430.                     Height = 17
  3431.                     Caption = 'Body'
  3432.                     TabOrder = 5
  3433.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3434.                   end
  3435.                   object SMSSubject: TTntCheckBox
  3436.                     Left = 113
  3437.                     Top = 39
  3438.                     Width = 64
  3439.                     Height = 17
  3440.                     Caption = 'Subject'
  3441.                     TabOrder = 3
  3442.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3443.                   end
  3444.                   object SMSFrom: TTntCheckBox
  3445.                     Left = 57
  3446.                     Top = 39
  3447.                     Width = 53
  3448.                     Height = 17
  3449.                     Caption = 'From'
  3450.                     TabOrder = 2
  3451.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3452.                   end
  3453.                   object SMSTo: TTntCheckBox
  3454.                     Left = 9
  3455.                     Top = 39
  3456.                     Width = 45
  3457.                     Height = 17
  3458.                     Caption = 'To'
  3459.                     TabOrder = 1
  3460.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3461.                   end
  3462.                   object SubjectNEdit: TTntEdit
  3463.                     Left = 152
  3464.                     Top = 62
  3465.                     Width = 10
  3466.                     Height = 21
  3467.                     MaxLength = 255
  3468.                     TabOrder = 7
  3469.                     Visible = False
  3470.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3471.                   end
  3472.                   object BodyNEdit: TTntEdit
  3473.                     Left = 168
  3474.                     Top = 62
  3475.                     Width = 10
  3476.                     Height = 21
  3477.                     MaxLength = 255
  3478.                     TabOrder = 8
  3479.                     Visible = False
  3480.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3481.                   end
  3482.                   object TextFileNEdit: TTntEdit
  3483.                     Left = 200
  3484.                     Top = 62
  3485.                     Width = 9
  3486.                     Height = 21
  3487.                     MaxLength = 255
  3488.                     TabOrder = 9
  3489.                     Visible = False
  3490.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3491.                   end
  3492.                   object TextFileEditShowButton: TTntButton
  3493.                     Tag = 22
  3494.                     Left = 8
  3495.                     Top = 62
  3496.                     Width = 121
  3497.                     Height = 23
  3498.                     Caption = 'Message...'
  3499.                     TabOrder = 10
  3500.                     OnClick = TextFileEditShowButtonClick
  3501.                   end
  3502.                   object SMSFromEdit: TTntEdit
  3503.                     Left = 184
  3504.                     Top = 62
  3505.                     Width = 10
  3506.                     Height = 21
  3507.                     MaxLength = 255
  3508.                     TabOrder = 6
  3509.                     Visible = False
  3510.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3511.                   end
  3512.                 end
  3513.                 object NotifyOtherGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  3514.                   Left = 0
  3515.                   Top = 94
  3516.                   Width = 622
  3517.                   Height = 67
  3518.                   Align = alTop
  3519.                   Caption = 'Options'
  3520.                   TabOrder = 1
  3521.                   object SMSOriginator: TTntLabel
  3522.                     Left = 9
  3523.                     Top = 43
  3524.                     Width = 48
  3525.                     Height = 13
  3526.                     Caption = 'Originator:'
  3527.                   end
  3528.                   object SMSForwardToLabel: TTntLabel
  3529.                     Left = 9
  3530.                     Top = 19
  3531.                     Width = 53
  3532.                     Height = 13
  3533.                     Caption = 'Forward to:'
  3534.                     FocusControl = SMSForward
  3535.                   end
  3536.                   object SMSFromComboBox: TTntComboBox
  3537.                     Left = 96
  3538.                     Top = 39
  3539.                     Width = 212
  3540.                     Height = 21
  3541.                     Style = csDropDownList
  3542.                     ItemHeight = 13
  3543.                     TabOrder = 1
  3544.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3545.                     Items.Strings = (
  3546.                       'Blank'
  3547.                       'Sender'
  3548.                       'From')
  3549.                   end
  3550.                   object SMSForward: TTntEdit
  3551.                     Left = 96
  3552.                     Top = 16
  3553.                     Width = 212
  3554.                     Height = 21
  3555.                     MaxLength = 255
  3556.                     TabOrder = 0
  3557.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3558.                   end
  3559.                 end
  3560.               end
  3561.               object BWNotifySheet: TTntTabSheet
  3562.                 HelpContext = 1125
  3563.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  3564.                 ImageIndex = 7
  3565.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  3566.                 object NotifyBWGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  3567.                   Left = 0
  3568.                   Top = 0
  3569.                   Width = 597
  3570.                   Height = 41
  3571.                   Align = alTop
  3572.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  3573.                   TabOrder = 0
  3574.                   object NotifyBW: TTntCheckBox
  3575.                     Left = 9
  3576.                     Top = 17
  3577.                     Width = 128
  3578.                     Height = 17
  3579.                     Caption = 'Active'
  3580.                     TabOrder = 0
  3581.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3582.                   end
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  3586.             object ResourceControl: TTntPageControl
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  3599.               object ResourceSheet: TTntTabSheet
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  3601.                 Caption = 'Resource'
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  3603.                 object ResourceDescL: TTntGroupBox
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  3605.                   Top = 0
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  3609.                   Caption = 'Resource'
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  3611.                   object ResourceAliasL: TTntLabel
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  3613.                     Top = 18
  3614.                     Width = 25
  3615.                     Height = 13
  3616.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
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  3618.                   end
  3619.                   object TntLabel2: TTntLabel
  3620.                     Left = 9
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  3623.                     Height = 13
  3624.                     Caption = 'Description:'
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  3626.                   end
  3627.                   object ResourceManagerL: TTntLabel
  3628.                     Left = 9
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  3631.                     Height = 13
  3632.                     Caption = 'Manager:'
  3633.                     FocusControl = ResourceManager
  3634.                   end
  3635.                   object ResourceTypeL: TTntLabel
  3636.                     Left = 9
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  3638.                     Width = 27
  3639.                     Height = 13
  3640.                     Caption = 'Type:'
  3641.                   end
  3642.                   object ResourceOrganizersFile: TTntEdit
  3643.                     Left = 96
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  3645.                     Width = 212
  3646.                     Height = 21
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  3652.                   object AliasResourceEdit: TTntEdit
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  3657.                     Height = 21
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  3680.                   object ResourceUnavailable: TTntCheckBox
  3681.                     Left = 9
  3682.                     Top = 87
  3683.                     Width = 328
  3684.                     Height = 17
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  3688.                   end
  3689.                   object ResourceAllowConflicts: TTntCheckBox
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  3691.                     Top = 111
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  3693.                     Height = 17
  3694.                     Caption = 'Allow conflicts'
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  3698.                   object ResourceType: TTntComboBox
  3699.                     Left = 96
  3700.                     Top = 60
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  3702.                     Height = 21
  3703.                     Style = csDropDownList
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  3707.                     Items.Strings = (
  3708.                       'Room'
  3709.                       'Equipment')
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  3711.                   object ManagerSelect: TTntButton
  3712.                     Tag = 4
  3713.                     Left = 286
  3714.                     Top = 156
  3715.                     Width = 21
  3716.                     Height = 21
  3717.                     Caption = '...'
  3718.                     TabOrder = 8
  3719.                     OnClick = SelectButtonClick
  3720.                   end
  3721.                   object ResourceManagerNotification: TTntCheckBox
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  3723.                     Top = 135
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  3725.                     Height = 17
  3726.                     Caption = 'Send notification to manager'
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  3728.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3729.                   end
  3730.                 end
  3731.               end
  3732.               object ResourceOrganizerSheet: TTabSheet
  3733.                 HelpContext = 5612
  3734.                 Caption = 'Organizers'
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  3737.               end
  3738.               object BWResourceSheet: TTntTabSheet
  3739.                 HelpContext = 1125
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  3743.                 object ResourceRulesBox: TTntGroupBox
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  3749.                   Caption = 'Rules'
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  3751.                   object ResourceBW: TTntCheckBox
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  3763.             object CatalogControl: TTntPageControl
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  3780.                 object CatalogBox: TTntGroupBox
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  3792.                     Height = 13
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  3794.                     FocusControl = CatalogAlias
  3795.                   end
  3796.                   object CatalogDesc: TTntLabel
  3797.                     Left = 9
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  3801.                     Caption = 'Description:'
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  3804.                   object CatalogPassL: TTntLabel
  3805.                     Left = 9
  3806.                     Top = 63
  3807.                     Width = 49
  3808.                     Height = 13
  3809.                     Caption = 'Password:'
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  3811.                   object CatalogAlias: TTntEdit
  3812.                     Tag = 14
  3813.                     Left = 96
  3814.                     Top = 14
  3815.                     Width = 212
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  3821.                   object CatalogDescription: TTntEdit
  3822.                     Left = 96
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  3830.                   object CatalogCommand: TTntCheckBox
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  3832.                     Top = 86
  3833.                     Width = 216
  3834.                     Height = 17
  3835.                     Caption = 'Command in subject'
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  3837.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3838.                   end
  3839.                   object CatalogPass: TTntEdit
  3840.                     Left = 96
  3841.                     Top = 60
  3842.                     Width = 212
  3843.                     Height = 21
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  3845.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  3846.                     TabOrder = 2
  3847.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3848.                   end
  3849.                   object CatalogsButton: TTntButton
  3850.                     Left = 9
  3851.                     Top = 107
  3852.                     Width = 103
  3853.                     Height = 23
  3854.                     Caption = 'Catalogs...'
  3855.                     TabOrder = 4
  3856.                     OnClick = CatalogsButtonClick
  3857.                   end
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  3859.               end
  3860.               object CatalogOtherSheet: TTntTabSheet
  3861.                 HelpContext = 3570
  3862.                 Caption = 'Options'
  3863.                 ImageIndex = 30
  3864.                 object OtherCatalogGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  3865.                   Left = 0
  3866.                   Top = 0
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  3870.                   Caption = 'Options'
  3871.                   TabOrder = 0
  3872.                   object CatalogAllowed: TTntLabel
  3873.                     Left = 9
  3874.                     Top = 17
  3875.                     Width = 94
  3876.                     Height = 13
  3877.                     Caption = 'Allowed commands:'
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  3879.                   object CatalogOrigL: TTntLabel
  3880.                     Left = 9
  3881.                     Top = 104
  3882.                     Width = 48
  3883.                     Height = 13
  3884.                     Caption = 'Originator:'
  3885.                   end
  3886.                   object CatalogGet: TTntCheckBox
  3887.                     Left = 9
  3888.                     Top = 34
  3889.                     Width = 104
  3890.                     Height = 17
  3891.                     Caption = 'Get'
  3892.                     TabOrder = 0
  3893.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3894.                   end
  3895.                   object CatalogDir: TTntCheckBox
  3896.                     Left = 9
  3897.                     Top = 56
  3898.                     Width = 96
  3899.                     Height = 17
  3900.                     Caption = 'Dir'
  3901.                     TabOrder = 1
  3902.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3903.                   end
  3904.                   object CatalogSendTo: TTntCheckBox
  3905.                     Left = 9
  3906.                     Top = 78
  3907.                     Width = 112
  3908.                     Height = 17
  3909.                     Caption = 'SendTo'
  3910.                     TabOrder = 2
  3911.                     OnClick = UserChange
  3912.                   end
  3913.                   object CatalogOriginator: TTntComboBox
  3914.                     Left = 120
  3915.                     Top = 101
  3916.                     Width = 212
  3917.                     Height = 21
  3918.                     Style = csDropDownList
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  3921.                     OnChange = UserChange
  3922.                     Items.Strings = (
  3923.                       'Blank'
  3924.                       'Sender'
  3925.                       'Owner')
  3926.                   end
  3927.                 end
  3928.               end
  3929.               object BWCatalogSheet: TTntTabSheet
  3930.                 HelpContext = 1125
  3931.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  3932.                 ImageIndex = 7
  3933.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  3934.                 object CatalogBWGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
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  3939.                   Align = alTop
  3940.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  3941.                   TabOrder = 0
  3942.                   object CatalogBW: TTntCheckBox
  3943.                     Left = 9
  3944.                     Top = 17
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  3946.                     Height = 17
  3947.                     Caption = 'Active'
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  3954.             object ExecutableControl: TTntPageControl
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  3971.                 object ExecutableBox: TTntGroupBox
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  3977.                   Caption = 'Executable'
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  3979.                   object AliasExecLabel: TTntLabel
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  3981.                     Top = 18
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  3983.                     Height = 13
  3984.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
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  3986.                   end
  3987.                   object ExecDescLabel: TTntLabel
  3988.                     Left = 9
  3989.                     Top = 40
  3990.                     Width = 56
  3991.                     Height = 13
  3992.                     Caption = 'Description:'
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  3995.                   object CopyForwardLabel: TTntLabel
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  3999.                     Height = 13
  4000.                     Caption = 'Forward to:'
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  4003.                   object ApplicationLabel: TTntLabel
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  4007.                     Height = 13
  4008.                     Caption = 'Application:'
  4009.                     FocusControl = ApplicationEdit
  4010.                   end
  4011.                   object ParameterLabel: TTntLabel
  4012.                     Left = 9
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  4015.                     Height = 13
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  4018.                   end
  4019.                   object ExecPL: TTntLabel
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  4023.                     Height = 13
  4024.                     Caption = 'Password:'
  4025.                   end
  4026.                   object ExecTypeL: TTntLabel
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  4034.                   object AliasExecEdit: TTntEdit
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  4044.                   object DescExecEdit: TTntEdit
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  4053.                   object CopyForwardEdit: TTntEdit
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  4062.                   object ApplicationEdit: TTntEdit
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  4071.                   object ApplicationButton: TTntButton
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  4081.                   object ParameterEdit: TTntEdit
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  4088.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4089.                   end
  4090.                   object ParamButton: TTntButton
  4091.                     Tag = 3
  4092.                     Left = 288
  4093.                     Top = 106
  4094.                     Width = 20
  4095.                     Height = 21
  4096.                     TabOrder = 6
  4097.                     OnClick = ParamButtonClick
  4098.                   end
  4099.                   object ExecPass: TTntEdit
  4100.                     Left = 96
  4101.                     Top = 129
  4102.                     Width = 212
  4103.                     Height = 21
  4104.                     MaxLength = 127
  4105.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  4106.                     TabOrder = 7
  4107.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4108.                   end
  4109.                   object ExecType: TTntComboBox
  4110.                     Left = 96
  4111.                     Top = 83
  4112.                     Width = 214
  4113.                     Height = 21
  4114.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4115.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4116.                     TabOrder = 4
  4117.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4118.                     Items.Strings = (
  4119.                       'Executable'
  4120.                       'StdCall Library'
  4121.                       'Cdecl Library'
  4122.                       'URL')
  4123.                   end
  4124.                 end
  4125.               end
  4126.               object OtherServicesTabSheet: TTabSheet
  4127.                 HelpContext = 4164
  4128.                 Caption = 'Services'
  4129.                 ImageIndex = 20
  4130.                 object OtherServicesAccessBox: TTntGroupBox
  4131.                   Left = 0
  4132.                   Top = 0
  4133.                   Width = 622
  4134.                   Height = 67
  4135.                   Align = alTop
  4136.                   Caption = 'Services'
  4137.                   TabOrder = 0
  4138.                   object OtherServicesAccessList: TTntCheckListBox
  4139.                     Left = 8
  4140.                     Top = 16
  4141.                     Width = 300
  4142.                     Height = 44
  4143.                     OnClickCheck = UserChange
  4144.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4145.                     Items.Strings = (
  4146.                       'Anti-Virus'
  4147.                       'Anti-Spam'
  4148.                       'Quarantine')
  4149.                     TabOrder = 0
  4150.                   end
  4151.                 end
  4152.               end
  4153.               object BWExecSheet: TTntTabSheet
  4154.                 HelpContext = 1125
  4155.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  4156.                 ImageIndex = 7
  4157.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  4158.                 object ExecBWGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  4159.                   Left = 0
  4160.                   Top = 0
  4161.                   Width = 597
  4162.                   Height = 41
  4163.                   Align = alTop
  4164.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  4165.                   TabOrder = 0
  4166.                   object ExecBW: TTntCheckBox
  4167.                     Left = 9
  4168.                     Top = 17
  4169.                     Width = 128
  4170.                     Height = 17
  4171.                     Caption = 'Active'
  4172.                     TabOrder = 0
  4173.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4174.                   end
  4175.                 end
  4176.               end
  4177.             end
  4178.             object UserPageControl: TTntPageControl
  4179.               Left = 0
  4180.               Top = 0
  4181.               Width = 630
  4182.               Height = 573
  4183.               HelpContext = 351
  4184.               ActivePage = UserSheet
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  4186.               Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  4187.               MultiLine = True
  4188.               TabOrder = 0
  4189.               TabStop = False
  4190.               OnChange = UserPageControlChange
  4191.               object UserSheet: TTntTabSheet
  4192.                 HelpContext = 282
  4193.                 Caption = 'User'
  4194.                 ImageIndex = 52
  4195.                 object UserBox: TTntGroupBox
  4196.                   Left = 0
  4197.                   Top = 0
  4198.                   Width = 622
  4199.                   Height = 185
  4200.                   Align = alTop
  4201.                   Caption = 'User'
  4202.                   TabOrder = 0
  4203.                   object AliasLabel: TTntLabel
  4204.                     Left = 8
  4205.                     Top = 17
  4206.                     Width = 25
  4207.                     Height = 13
  4208.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
  4209.                     FocusControl = UserAliasEdit
  4210.                   end
  4211.                   object NameLabel: TTntLabel
  4212.                     Left = 8
  4213.                     Top = 86
  4214.                     Width = 31
  4215.                     Height = 13
  4216.                     Caption = 'Name:'
  4217.                     FocusControl = NameEdit
  4218.                   end
  4219.                   object PassLabel: TTntLabel
  4220.                     Left = 8
  4221.                     Top = 131
  4222.                     Width = 49
  4223.                     Height = 13
  4224.                     Caption = 'Password:'
  4225.                     FocusControl = PassEdit
  4226.                   end
  4227.                   object ConfirmLabel: TTntLabel
  4228.                     Left = 177
  4229.                     Top = 131
  4230.                     Width = 38
  4231.                     Height = 13
  4232.                     Caption = 'Confirm:'
  4233.                     FocusControl = ConfirmEdit
  4234.                   end
  4235.                   object SIPL: TTntLabel
  4236.                     Left = 8
  4237.                     Top = 40
  4238.                     Width = 44
  4239.                     Height = 13
  4240.                     Caption = 'Phone #:'
  4241.                     FocusControl = SIPEdit
  4242.                   end
  4243.                   object UserDescL: TTntLabel
  4244.                     Left = 8
  4245.                     Top = 109
  4246.                     Width = 56
  4247.                     Height = 13
  4248.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  4249.                     FocusControl = UserDescription
  4250.                   end
  4251.                   object MailBoxLabel: TTntLabel
  4252.                     Left = 8
  4253.                     Top = 62
  4254.                     Width = 51
  4255.                     Height = 13
  4256.                     Caption = 'Username:'
  4257.                     FocusControl = MailboxEdit
  4258.                   end
  4259.                   object UserAliasEdit: TTntEdit
  4260.                     Tag = 6
  4261.                     Left = 96
  4262.                     Top = 13
  4263.                     Width = 217
  4264.                     Height = 21
  4265.                     MaxLength = 255
  4266.                     TabOrder = 0
  4267.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4268.                   end
  4269.                   object NameEdit: TTntEdit
  4270.                     Left = 96
  4271.                     Top = 82
  4272.                     Width = 217
  4273.                     Height = 21
  4274.                     MaxLength = 255
  4275.                     TabOrder = 3
  4276.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4277.                   end
  4278.                   object PassEdit: TTntEdit
  4279.                     Tag = 7
  4280.                     Left = 96
  4281.                     Top = 128
  4282.                     Width = 76
  4283.                     Height = 21
  4284.                     MaxLength = 127
  4285.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  4286.                     TabOrder = 5
  4287.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4288.                   end
  4289.                   object ConfirmEdit: TTntEdit
  4290.                     Left = 236
  4291.                     Top = 128
  4292.                     Width = 67
  4293.                     Height = 21
  4294.                     MaxLength = 127
  4295.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  4296.                     TabOrder = 6
  4297.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4298.                   end
  4299.                   object GenPassButton: TTntButton
  4300.                     Left = 303
  4301.                     Top = 128
  4302.                     Width = 11
  4303.                     Height = 21
  4304.                     Caption = ':'
  4305.                     TabOrder = 7
  4306.                     OnClick = GenPassButtonClick
  4307.                   end
  4308.                   object SIPEdit: TTntEdit
  4309.                     Left = 96
  4310.                     Top = 36
  4311.                     Width = 217
  4312.                     Height = 21
  4313.                     MaxLength = 255
  4314.                     TabOrder = 1
  4315.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4316.                   end
  4317.                   object UserDescription: TTntEdit
  4318.                     Left = 96
  4319.                     Top = 105
  4320.                     Width = 217
  4321.                     Height = 21
  4322.                     MaxLength = 255
  4323.                     TabOrder = 4
  4324.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4325.                   end
  4326.                   object ACLEditButton: TTntButton
  4327.                     Left = 6
  4328.                     Top = 154
  4329.                     Width = 139
  4330.                     Height = 23
  4331.                     Caption = 'Access Control List...'
  4332.                     TabOrder = 8
  4333.                     OnClick = ACLEditButtonClick
  4334.                   end
  4335.                   object MailboxEdit: TTntEdit
  4336.                     Tag = 1
  4337.                     Left = 96
  4338.                     Top = 59
  4339.                     Width = 217
  4340.                     Height = 21
  4341.                     MaxLength = 127
  4342.                     TabOrder = 2
  4343.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4344.                   end
  4345.                 end
  4346.               end
  4347.               object UserGroupsSheet: TTntTabSheet
  4348.                 HelpContext = 352
  4349.                 Caption = 'Groups'
  4350.                 ImageIndex = 42
  4351.               end
  4352.               object UserMiscSheet: TTntTabSheet
  4353.                 HelpContext = 354
  4354.                 Caption = 'Limits'
  4355.                 ImageIndex = 16
  4356.                 object ValidityBox: TTntGroupBox
  4357.                   Left = 0
  4358.                   Top = 113
  4359.                   Width = 622
  4360.                   Height = 187
  4361.                   Align = alTop
  4362.                   Caption = 'Expiration'
  4363.                   TabOrder = 1
  4364.                   object ValidityWarnFileLabel: TTntLabel
  4365.                     Left = 8
  4366.                     Top = 134
  4367.                     Width = 72
  4368.                     Height = 13
  4369.                     Caption = 'Notification file:'
  4370.                   end
  4371.                   object ExpireAfterLabel: TTntLabel
  4372.                     Left = 8
  4373.                     Top = 41
  4374.                     Width = 133
  4375.                     Height = 13
  4376.                     Caption = 'Expires if inactive for (Days):'
  4377.                   end
  4378.                   object UserStateL: TTntLabel
  4379.                     Left = 8
  4380.                     Top = 18
  4381.                     Width = 28
  4382.                     Height = 13
  4383.                     Caption = 'State:'
  4384.                   end
  4385.                   object AccountValid: TTntCheckBox
  4386.                     Left = 8
  4387.                     Top = 64
  4388.                     Width = 161
  4389.                     Height = 17
  4390.                     Caption = 'Expires on (yyyy/mm/dd):'
  4391.                     TabOrder = 2
  4392.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4393.                   end
  4394.                   object ValidTill: TAdvancedEdit
  4395.                     Left = 232
  4396.                     Top = 61
  4397.                     Width = 74
  4398.                     Height = 21
  4399.                     TabOrder = 3
  4400.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4401.                     EditMode = ctFilter
  4402.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4403.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4404.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4405.                     EditFilter = '0123456789/'
  4406.                   end
  4407.                   object ValidityWarningEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  4408.                     Left = 232
  4409.                     Top = 84
  4410.                     Width = 93
  4411.                     Height = 21
  4412.                     BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
  4413.                     ParentBiDiMode = False
  4414.                     TabOrder = 6
  4415.                     Text = '0'
  4416.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4417.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  4418.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4419.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4420.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4421.                   end
  4422.                   object ValidityWarning: TTntCheckBox
  4423.                     Left = 8
  4424.                     Top = 87
  4425.                     Width = 170
  4426.                     Height = 17
  4427.                     Caption = 'Notify before expiration (Days):'
  4428.                     TabOrder = 5
  4429.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4430.                   end
  4431.                   object ValidityFileEdit: TTntEdit
  4432.                     Left = 131
  4433.                     Top = 131
  4434.                     Width = 174
  4435.                     Height = 21
  4436.                     MaxLength = 255
  4437.                     TabOrder = 8
  4438.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4439.                   end
  4440.                   object ValdityButtonFile: TTntButton
  4441.                     Tag = 2
  4442.                     Left = 305
  4443.                     Top = 131
  4444.                     Width = 20
  4445.                     Height = 21
  4446.                     Caption = '...'
  4447.                     TabOrder = 9
  4448.                     OnClick = RespondEditButtonClick
  4449.                   end
  4450.                   object ValidityButtonView: TTntButton
  4451.                     Tag = 4
  4452.                     Left = 8
  4453.                     Top = 156
  4454.                     Width = 121
  4455.                     Height = 23
  4456.                     Caption = 'Notification File...'
  4457.                     TabOrder = 10
  4458.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  4459.                   end
  4460.                   object DeleteExpire: TTntCheckBox
  4461.                     Left = 8
  4462.                     Top = 110
  4463.                     Width = 225
  4464.                     Height = 17
  4465.                     Caption = 'Delete account when expired'
  4466.                     TabOrder = 7
  4467.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4468.                   end
  4469.                   object ExpireInactiveEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  4470.                     Left = 232
  4471.                     Top = 38
  4472.                     Width = 93
  4473.                     Height = 21
  4474.                     TabOrder = 1
  4475.                     Text = '0'
  4476.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4477.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  4478.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4479.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4480.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4481.                   end
  4482.                   object ValidTillDate: TTntButton
  4483.                     Tag = 2
  4484.                     Left = 305
  4485.                     Top = 61
  4486.                     Width = 20
  4487.                     Height = 21
  4488.                     Caption = '...'
  4489.                     TabOrder = 4
  4490.                     OnClick = ValidTillDateClick
  4491.                   end
  4492.                   object AccountDisabled: TTntComboBox
  4493.                     Left = 129
  4494.                     Top = 14
  4495.                     Width = 196
  4496.                     Height = 21
  4497.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4498.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4499.                     TabOrder = 0
  4500.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4501.                     Items.Strings = (
  4502.                       'Enabled'
  4503.                       'Disabled (Login)'
  4504.                       'Disabled (Login, Receive)'
  4505.                       'Spam trap')
  4506.                   end
  4507.                 end
  4508.                 object LimitsUserGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  4509.                   Left = 0
  4510.                   Top = 0
  4511.                   Width = 622
  4512.                   Height = 113
  4513.                   Align = alTop
  4514.                   Caption = 'Limits'
  4515.                   TabOrder = 0
  4516.                   object MegLab: TTntLabel
  4517.                     Left = 8
  4518.                     Top = 66
  4519.                     Width = 128
  4520.                     Height = 13
  4521.                     Caption = 'Send out data limit per day:'
  4522.                   end
  4523.                   object NumLab: TTntLabel
  4524.                     Left = 8
  4525.                     Top = 89
  4526.                     Width = 156
  4527.                     Height = 13
  4528.                     Caption = 'Send out messages limit (#/Day):'
  4529.                   end
  4530.                   object MaxMsgLabel: TTntLabel
  4531.                     Left = 8
  4532.                     Top = 41
  4533.                     Width = 89
  4534.                     Height = 13
  4535.                     Caption = 'Max message size:'
  4536.                   end
  4537.                   object LimitMailBox: TTntCheckBox
  4538.                     Left = 8
  4539.                     Top = 16
  4540.                     Width = 177
  4541.                     Height = 17
  4542.                     Caption = 'Account size:'
  4543.                     TabOrder = 0
  4544.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4545.                   end
  4546.                   object LimitSizeEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  4547.                     Left = 232
  4548.                     Top = 14
  4549.                     Width = 49
  4550.                     Height = 21
  4551.                     TabOrder = 1
  4552.                     Text = '0'
  4553.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4554.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  4555.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4556.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4557.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4558.                   end
  4559.                   object MBSendLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  4560.                     Left = 232
  4561.                     Top = 62
  4562.                     Width = 49
  4563.                     Height = 21
  4564.                     TabOrder = 5
  4565.                     Text = '0'
  4566.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4567.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  4568.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4569.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4570.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4571.                   end
  4572.                   object NumberSendLimit: TAdvancedEdit
  4573.                     Left = 232
  4574.                     Top = 86
  4575.                     Width = 93
  4576.                     Height = 21
  4577.                     TabOrder = 7
  4578.                     Text = '0'
  4579.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4580.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  4581.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4582.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4583.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4584.                   end
  4585.                   object MaxMessageSize: TAdvancedEdit
  4586.                     Left = 232
  4587.                     Top = 38
  4588.                     Width = 49
  4589.                     Height = 21
  4590.                     TabOrder = 3
  4591.                     Text = '0'
  4592.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4593.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  4594.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  4595.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  4596.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  4597.                   end
  4598.                   object LimitSizeEditUnits: TTntComboBox
  4599.                     Left = 284
  4600.                     Top = 14
  4601.                     Width = 42
  4602.                     Height = 21
  4603.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4604.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4605.                     TabOrder = 2
  4606.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4607.                     Items.Strings = (
  4608.                       'kB'
  4609.                       'MB'
  4610.                       'GB')
  4611.                   end
  4612.                   object MaxMessageSizeUnits: TTntComboBox
  4613.                     Left = 284
  4614.                     Top = 38
  4615.                     Width = 42
  4616.                     Height = 21
  4617.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4618.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4619.                     TabOrder = 4
  4620.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4621.                     Items.Strings = (
  4622.                       'kB'
  4623.                       'MB'
  4624.                       'GB')
  4625.                   end
  4626.                   object MBSendLimitUnits: TTntComboBox
  4627.                     Left = 284
  4628.                     Top = 62
  4629.                     Width = 42
  4630.                     Height = 21
  4631.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4632.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4633.                     TabOrder = 6
  4634.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4635.                     Items.Strings = (
  4636.                       'kB'
  4637.                       'MB'
  4638.                       'GB')
  4639.                   end
  4640.                 end
  4641.               end
  4642.               object UserServicesTabSheet: TTntTabSheet
  4643.                 HelpContext = 4161
  4644.                 Caption = 'Services'
  4645.                 ImageIndex = 20
  4646.                 object UserServicesAccessGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  4647.                   Left = 0
  4648.                   Top = 0
  4649.                   Width = 622
  4650.                   Height = 391
  4651.                   Align = alTop
  4652.                   Caption = 'Services'
  4653.                   TabOrder = 0
  4654.                   object UserSMSSettingsL: TTntLabel
  4655.                     Left = 9
  4656.                     Top = 312
  4657.                     Width = 107
  4658.                     Height = 13
  4659.                     Caption = 'SMS account settings:'
  4660.                   end
  4661.                   object PushSettingsL: TTntLabel
  4662.                     Left = 9
  4663.                     Top = 286
  4664.                     Width = 107
  4665.                     Height = 13
  4666.                     Caption = 'SyncML push settings:'
  4667.                   end
  4668.                   object UserFTPSettingsL: TTntLabel
  4669.                     Left = 9
  4670.                     Top = 338
  4671.                     Width = 104
  4672.                     Height = 13
  4673.                     Caption = 'FTP account settings:'
  4674.                   end
  4675.                   object ActiveSyncL: TTntLabel
  4676.                     Left = 9
  4677.                     Top = 260
  4678.                     Width = 97
  4679.                     Height = 13
  4680.                     Caption = 'ActiveSync devices:'
  4681.                   end
  4682.                   object ActivationKeysL: TTntLabel
  4683.                     Left = 9
  4684.                     Top = 363
  4685.                     Width = 75
  4686.                     Height = 13
  4687.                     Caption = 'Activation keys:'
  4688.                   end
  4689.                   object CommServices: TTntCheckListBox
  4690.                     Left = 8
  4691.                     Top = 16
  4692.                     Width = 305
  4693.                     Height = 97
  4694.                     OnClickCheck = UserChange
  4695.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4696.                     Items.Strings = (
  4697.                       'SMTP'
  4698.                       'POP3 / IMAP'
  4699.                       'WebClient'
  4700.                       'Instant Messaging'
  4701.                       'VoIP'
  4702.                       'FTP'
  4703.                       'SMS')
  4704.                     TabOrder = 0
  4705.                   end
  4706.                   object PushSettings: TTntButton
  4707.                     Left = 168
  4708.                     Top = 282
  4709.                     Width = 146
  4710.                     Height = 23
  4711.                     Caption = 'SyncML Push Settings...'
  4712.                     TabOrder = 5
  4713.                     OnClick = PushSettingsClick
  4714.                   end
  4715.                   object UserSMSButton: TTntButton
  4716.                     Left = 168
  4717.                     Top = 308
  4718.                     Width = 146
  4719.                     Height = 23
  4720.                     Caption = 'SMS Settings...'
  4721.                     TabOrder = 6
  4722.                     OnClick = DomainSMSButtonClick
  4723.                   end
  4724.                   object UserFTPButton: TTntButton
  4725.                     Tag = 1
  4726.                     Left = 168
  4727.                     Top = 334
  4728.                     Width = 146
  4729.                     Height = 23
  4730.                     Caption = 'FTP Settings...'
  4731.                     TabOrder = 7
  4732.                     OnClick = DomainSMSButtonClick
  4733.                   end
  4734.                   object ActiveSyncButton: TTntButton
  4735.                     Left = 168
  4736.                     Top = 256
  4737.                     Width = 146
  4738.                     Height = 23
  4739.                     Caption = 'ActiveSync Devices...'
  4740.                     TabOrder = 4
  4741.                     OnClick = PushSettingsClick
  4742.                   end
  4743.                   object ActivationKeysButton: TTntButton
  4744.                     Tag = 1
  4745.                     Left = 168
  4746.                     Top = 359
  4747.                     Width = 146
  4748.                     Height = 23
  4749.                     Caption = 'Activation Keys...'
  4750.                     TabOrder = 8
  4751.                     OnClick = ActivationKeysButtonClick
  4752.                   end
  4753.                   object SecurityServices: TTntCheckListBox
  4754.                     Left = 8
  4755.                     Top = 114
  4756.                     Width = 305
  4757.                     Height = 45
  4758.                     OnClickCheck = UserChange
  4759.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4760.                     Items.Strings = (
  4761.                       'Anti-Virus'
  4762.                       'Anti-Spam'
  4763.                       'Quarantine')
  4764.                     TabOrder = 1
  4765.                   end
  4766.                   object CollabServices: TTntCheckListBox
  4767.                     Left = 8
  4768.                     Top = 160
  4769.                     Width = 305
  4770.                     Height = 32
  4771.                     OnClickCheck = UserChange
  4772.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4773.                     Items.Strings = (
  4774.                       'GroupWare'
  4775.                       'WebDAV')
  4776.                     TabOrder = 2
  4777.                   end
  4778.                   object ClientServices: TTntCheckListBox
  4779.                     Left = 8
  4780.                     Top = 193
  4781.                     Width = 305
  4782.                     Height = 58
  4783.                     OnClickCheck = UserChange
  4784.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4785.                     Items.Strings = (
  4786.                       'ActiveSync'
  4787.                       'SyncML'
  4788.                       'Outlook Connector - Activation Key'
  4789.                       'Desktop Client - Activation Key')
  4790.                     TabOrder = 3
  4791.                   end
  4792.                 end
  4793.               end
  4794.               object Special: TTntTabSheet
  4795.                 HelpContext = 232
  4796.                 Caption = 'Options'
  4797.                 ImageIndex = 30
  4798.                 object SpecialBox: TTntGroupBox
  4799.                   Left = 0
  4800.                   Top = 319
  4801.                   Width = 622
  4802.                   Height = 84
  4803.                   Align = alTop
  4804.                   Caption = 'Options'
  4805.                   TabOrder = 3
  4806.                   object ETRNBox: TTntCheckBox
  4807.                     Left = 8
  4808.                     Top = 16
  4809.                     Width = 328
  4810.                     Height = 17
  4811.                     Caption = 'ETRN/ATRN account (Required for ETRN domains)'
  4812.                     TabOrder = 0
  4813.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4814.                   end
  4815.                   object XEnvelopeToBox: TTntCheckBox
  4816.                     Left = 8
  4817.                     Top = 38
  4818.                     Width = 392
  4819.                     Height = 17
  4820.                     Caption = 'Add X-Envelope-To: header to all received messages'
  4821.                     TabOrder = 1
  4822.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4823.                   end
  4824.                   object SendLocalOnly: TTntCheckBox
  4825.                     Left = 8
  4826.                     Top = 60
  4827.                     Width = 257
  4828.                     Height = 17
  4829.                     Caption = 'User can send mail to local domains only'
  4830.                     TabOrder = 2
  4831.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4832.                   end
  4833.                 end
  4834.                 object UserSpamBox: TTntGroupBox
  4835.                   Left = 0
  4836.                   Top = 227
  4837.                   Width = 622
  4838.                   Height = 92
  4839.                   Align = alTop
  4840.                   Caption = 'Anti-Spam'
  4841.                   TabOrder = 2
  4842.                   object SpamFolderModeL: TTntLabel
  4843.                     Left = 8
  4844.                     Top = 43
  4845.                     Width = 88
  4846.                     Height = 13
  4847.                     Caption = 'Spam folder mode:'
  4848.                   end
  4849.                   object Label1: TTntLabel
  4850.                     Left = 8
  4851.                     Top = 19
  4852.                     Width = 94
  4853.                     Height = 13
  4854.                     Caption = 'Spam reports mode:'
  4855.                   end
  4856.                   object SpamFolderMode: TTntComboBox
  4857.                     Left = 137
  4858.                     Top = 39
  4859.                     Width = 240
  4860.                     Height = 21
  4861.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4862.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4863.                     TabOrder = 1
  4864.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4865.                     Items.Strings = (
  4866.                       'Default'
  4867.                       'Do not use Spam folder'
  4868.                       'Use Spam folder')
  4869.                   end
  4870.                   object SpamAdminUsers: TTntButton
  4871.                     Tag = 54
  4872.                     Left = 276
  4873.                     Top = 63
  4874.                     Width = 101
  4875.                     Height = 23
  4876.                     Caption = 'Mailboxes...'
  4877.                     TabOrder = 3
  4878.                     OnClick = SpamAdminUsersClick
  4879.                   end
  4880.                   object SpamAdmin: TTntCheckBox
  4881.                     Left = 8
  4882.                     Top = 66
  4883.                     Width = 162
  4884.                     Height = 17
  4885.                     Caption = 'Spam administrator'
  4886.                     TabOrder = 2
  4887.                     OnClick = UserChange
  4888.                   end
  4889.                   object SpamReport: TTntComboBox
  4890.                     Left = 137
  4891.                     Top = 15
  4892.                     Width = 240
  4893.                     Height = 21
  4894.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4895.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4896.                     TabOrder = 0
  4897.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4898.                     Items.Strings = (
  4899.                       'Disabled'
  4900.                       'Default'
  4901.                       'New items'
  4902.                       'All items')
  4903.                   end
  4904.                 end
  4905.                 object AccountTypeBox: TTntGroupBox
  4906.                   Left = 0
  4907.                   Top = 0
  4908.                   Width = 622
  4909.                   Height = 119
  4910.                   Align = alTop
  4911.                   Caption = 'Account'
  4912.                   TabOrder = 0
  4913.                   object AuthModeL: TTntLabel
  4914.                     Left = 8
  4915.                     Top = 62
  4916.                     Width = 71
  4917.                     Height = 13
  4918.                     Caption = 'Authentication:'
  4919.                   end
  4920.                   object UserTypeLabel: TTntLabel
  4921.                     Left = 8
  4922.                     Top = 39
  4923.                     Width = 58
  4924.                     Height = 13
  4925.                     Caption = 'Permissions:'
  4926.                   end
  4927.                   object AltEmailL: TTntLabel
  4928.                     Left = 8
  4929.                     Top = 17
  4930.                     Width = 72
  4931.                     Height = 13
  4932.                     Caption = 'Alternate email:'
  4933.                     FocusControl = AltEmail
  4934.                   end
  4935.                   object AuthMode: TTntComboBox
  4936.                     Left = 137
  4937.                     Top = 59
  4938.                     Width = 145
  4939.                     Height = 21
  4940.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4941.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4942.                     TabOrder = 3
  4943.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4944.                     Items.Strings = (
  4945.                       'Standard'
  4946.                       'NT Domain'
  4947.                       'LDAP / Active Directory'
  4948.                       'Any Password')
  4949.                   end
  4950.                   object AuthModeValueEdit: TTntEdit
  4951.                     Left = 285
  4952.                     Top = 59
  4953.                     Width = 91
  4954.                     Height = 21
  4955.                     MaxLength = 115
  4956.                     TabOrder = 4
  4957.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4958.                   end
  4959.                   object UserType: TTntComboBox
  4960.                     Left = 137
  4961.                     Top = 36
  4962.                     Width = 145
  4963.                     Height = 21
  4964.                     Style = csDropDownList
  4965.                     ItemHeight = 13
  4966.                     TabOrder = 1
  4967.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4968.                     Items.Strings = (
  4969.                       'Standard'
  4970.                       'Domain Administrator'
  4971.                       'Administrator')
  4972.                   end
  4973.                   object DomainIndexButton: TTntButton
  4974.                     Left = 286
  4975.                     Top = 35
  4976.                     Width = 91
  4977.                     Height = 23
  4978.                     Caption = 'Rights...'
  4979.                     TabOrder = 2
  4980.                     OnClick = DomainIndexButtonClick
  4981.                   end
  4982.                   object ExpireNowButton: TTntButton
  4983.                     Left = 8
  4984.                     Top = 87
  4985.                     Width = 177
  4986.                     Height = 23
  4987.                     Caption = 'Expire Password Now'
  4988.                     TabOrder = 5
  4989.                     OnClick = ExpireNowButtonClick
  4990.                   end
  4991.                   object AltEmail: TTntEdit
  4992.                     Left = 137
  4993.                     Top = 14
  4994.                     Width = 240
  4995.                     Height = 21
  4996.                     MaxLength = 127
  4997.                     TabOrder = 0
  4998.                     OnChange = UserChange
  4999.                   end
  5000.                 end
  5001.                 object MailboxGroupbox: TTntGroupBox
  5002.                   Left = 0
  5003.                   Top = 119
  5004.                   Width = 622
  5005.                   Height = 108
  5006.                   Align = alTop
  5007.                   Caption = 'Mailbox'
  5008.                   TabOrder = 1
  5009.                   object AccountTypeL: TTntLabel
  5010.                     Left = 8
  5011.                     Top = 17
  5012.                     Width = 27
  5013.                     Height = 13
  5014.                     Caption = 'Type:'
  5015.                   end
  5016.                   object AccountType: TTntComboBox
  5017.                     Left = 137
  5018.                     Top = 14
  5019.                     Width = 240
  5020.                     Height = 21
  5021.                     Style = csDropDownList
  5022.                     ItemHeight = 13
  5023.                     TabOrder = 0
  5024.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5025.                     Items.Strings = (
  5026.                       'POP3'
  5027.                       'IMAP'
  5028.                       'IMAP & POP3')
  5029.                   end
  5030.                   object MailBoxPathEdit: TTntEdit
  5031.                     Left = 137
  5032.                     Top = 37
  5033.                     Width = 240
  5034.                     Height = 21
  5035.                     MaxLength = 255
  5036.                     TabOrder = 1
  5037.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5038.                   end
  5039.                   object MailBoxPathRadio: TTntRadioButton
  5040.                     Left = 8
  5041.                     Top = 39
  5042.                     Width = 101
  5043.                     Height = 17
  5044.                     Caption = 'Mailbox path:'
  5045.                     TabOrder = 2
  5046.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5047.                   end
  5048.                   object RemoteAddressRadio: TTntRadioButton
  5049.                     Left = 8
  5050.                     Top = 62
  5051.                     Width = 101
  5052.                     Height = 17
  5053.                     Caption = 'Remote address:'
  5054.                     TabOrder = 3
  5055.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5056.                   end
  5057.                   object RemoteAddressEdit: TTntEdit
  5058.                     Left = 137
  5059.                     Top = 60
  5060.                     Width = 240
  5061.                     Height = 21
  5062.                     MaxLength = 127
  5063.                     TabOrder = 4
  5064.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5065.                   end
  5066.                   object NULLBox: TTntRadioButton
  5067.                     Left = 8
  5068.                     Top = 85
  5069.                     Width = 113
  5070.                     Height = 17
  5071.                     Caption = 'NULL'
  5072.                     TabOrder = 5
  5073.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5074.                   end
  5075.                 end
  5076.               end
  5077.               object MailManagementSheet: TTntTabSheet
  5078.                 HelpContext = 286
  5079.                 Caption = 'Mail'
  5080.                 ImageIndex = 14
  5081.                 object OptionsBox: TTntGroupBox
  5082.                   Left = 0
  5083.                   Top = 0
  5084.                   Width = 622
  5085.                   Height = 162
  5086.                   Align = alTop
  5087.                   Caption = 'Mail'
  5088.                   TabOrder = 0
  5089.                   object ForwardToLabel: TTntLabel
  5090.                     Left = 26
  5091.                     Top = 88
  5092.                     Width = 16
  5093.                     Height = 13
  5094.                     Caption = 'To:'
  5095.                   end
  5096.                   object IncomeMailLabel: TTntLabel
  5097.                     Left = 8
  5098.                     Top = 111
  5099.                     Width = 93
  5100.                     Height = 13
  5101.                     Caption = 'Copy incoming mail:'
  5102.                     FocusControl = IncommingMailEdit
  5103.                   end
  5104.                   object OutgoMailLabel: TTntLabel
  5105.                     Left = 8
  5106.                     Top = 134
  5107.                     Width = 92
  5108.                     Height = 13
  5109.                     Caption = 'Copy outgoing mail:'
  5110.                     FocusControl = OutgoingMailEdit
  5111.                   end
  5112.                   object FrwardToLabel: TTntLabel
  5113.                     Left = 8
  5114.                     Top = 18
  5115.                     Width = 53
  5116.                     Height = 13
  5117.                     Caption = 'Forward to:'
  5118.                     FocusControl = ForwardToEditA
  5119.                   end
  5120.                   object DeleteMailOlderBox: TTntCheckBox
  5121.                     Left = 8
  5122.                     Top = 40
  5123.                     Width = 233
  5124.                     Height = 17
  5125.                     Caption = 'Delete mail older than (Days):'
  5126.                     TabOrder = 1
  5127.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5128.                   end
  5129.                   object DeleteMailEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  5130.                     Left = 283
  5131.                     Top = 39
  5132.                     Width = 49
  5133.                     Height = 21
  5134.                     TabOrder = 2
  5135.                     Text = '0'
  5136.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5137.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  5138.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  5139.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  5140.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5141.                   end
  5142.                   object ForwardMailEdit: TAdvancedEdit
  5143.                     Left = 283
  5144.                     Top = 62
  5145.                     Width = 49
  5146.                     Height = 21
  5147.                     TabOrder = 4
  5148.                     Text = '0'
  5149.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5150.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  5151.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  5152.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  5153.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5154.                   end
  5155.                   object ForwardMailBox: TTntCheckBox
  5156.                     Left = 8
  5157.                     Top = 63
  5158.                     Width = 249
  5159.                     Height = 17
  5160.                     Caption = 'Forward mail older than (Days):'
  5161.                     TabOrder = 3
  5162.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5163.                   end
  5164.                   object ForwardOlderEdit: TTntEdit
  5165.                     Left = 136
  5166.                     Top = 85
  5167.                     Width = 196
  5168.                     Height = 21
  5169.                     MaxLength = 255
  5170.                     TabOrder = 5
  5171.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5172.                   end
  5173.                   object IncommingMailEdit: TTntEdit
  5174.                     Left = 136
  5175.                     Top = 108
  5176.                     Width = 196
  5177.                     Height = 21
  5178.                     MaxLength = 127
  5179.                     TabOrder = 6
  5180.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5181.                   end
  5182.                   object OutgoingMailEdit: TTntEdit
  5183.                     Left = 136
  5184.                     Top = 131
  5185.                     Width = 196
  5186.                     Height = 21
  5187.                     MaxLength = 127
  5188.                     TabOrder = 7
  5189.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5190.                   end
  5191.                   object ForwardToEditA: TTntEdit
  5192.                     Left = 136
  5193.                     Top = 14
  5194.                     Width = 196
  5195.                     Height = 21
  5196.                     MaxLength = 255
  5197.                     TabOrder = 0
  5198.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5199.                   end
  5200.                 end
  5201.                 object RespGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  5202.                   Left = 0
  5203.                   Top = 162
  5204.                   Width = 622
  5205.                   Height = 189
  5206.                   Align = alTop
  5207.                   Caption = 'Responder'
  5208.                   TabOrder = 1
  5209.                   object TRespStatLab: TTntLabel
  5210.                     Left = 8
  5211.                     Top = 17
  5212.                     Width = 30
  5213.                     Height = 13
  5214.                     Caption = 'Mode:'
  5215.                   end
  5216.                   object ResponderPeriodL: TTntLabel
  5217.                     Left = 8
  5218.                     Top = 40
  5219.                     Width = 132
  5220.                     Height = 13
  5221.                     Caption = 'Respond again after (Days):'
  5222.                   end
  5223.                   object RespondL: TTntLabel
  5224.                     Left = 8
  5225.                     Top = 62
  5226.                     Width = 120
  5227.                     Height = 13
  5228.                     Caption = 'Respond only if between:'
  5229.                   end
  5230.                   object RespondBox: TTntComboBox
  5231.                     Left = 136
  5232.                     Top = 14
  5233.                     Width = 196
  5234.                     Height = 21
  5235.                     Style = csDropDownList
  5236.                     ItemHeight = 13
  5237.                     TabOrder = 0
  5238.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5239.                     Items.Strings = (
  5240.                       'Disabled'
  5241.                       'Respond always'
  5242.                       'Respond once'
  5243.                       'Respond again after a period')
  5244.                   end
  5245.                   object RespondButView: TTntButton
  5246.                     Left = 8
  5247.                     Top = 131
  5248.                     Width = 135
  5249.                     Height = 23
  5250.                     Caption = 'Message...'
  5251.                     TabOrder = 7
  5252.                     OnClick = RespondButViewClick
  5253.                   end
  5254.                   object RespondPeriodValue: TAdvancedEdit
  5255.                     Left = 281
  5256.                     Top = 38
  5257.                     Width = 51
  5258.                     Height = 21
  5259.                     TabOrder = 1
  5260.                     Text = '0'
  5261.                     OnChange = UserChange
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  5264.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  5265.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5266.                   end
  5267.                   object RespondWithEdit: TTntEdit
  5268.                     Left = 200
  5269.                     Top = 132
  5270.                     Width = 132
  5271.                     Height = 21
  5272.                     MaxLength = 255
  5273.                     TabOrder = 8
  5274.                     Visible = False
  5275.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5276.                   end
  5277.                   object ReplyOnlyBox: TTntCheckBox
  5278.                     Left = 8
  5279.                     Top = 106
  5280.                     Width = 354
  5281.                     Height = 17
  5282.                     Caption = 'Respond to messages sent to user'#39's email address only'
  5283.                     TabOrder = 6
  5284.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5285.                   end
  5286.                   object RespondPeriodFrom: TAdvancedEdit
  5287.                     Left = 136
  5288.                     Top = 80
  5289.                     Width = 74
  5290.                     Height = 21
  5291.                     MaxLength = 255
  5292.                     TabOrder = 2
  5293.                     OnChange = UserChange
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  5297.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5298.                     EditFilter = '0123456789-/'
  5299.                   end
  5300.                   object RespondFromBut: TTntButton
  5301.                     Tag = 3
  5302.                     Left = 210
  5303.                     Top = 80
  5304.                     Width = 20
  5305.                     Height = 21
  5306.                     Caption = '...'
  5307.                     TabOrder = 3
  5308.                     OnClick = ValidTillDateClick
  5309.                   end
  5310.                   object RespondPeriodTo: TAdvancedEdit
  5311.                     Left = 238
  5312.                     Top = 80
  5313.                     Width = 74
  5314.                     Height = 21
  5315.                     MaxLength = 255
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  5321.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5322.                     EditFilter = '0123456789-/'
  5323.                   end
  5324.                   object RespondToBut: TTntButton
  5325.                     Tag = 4
  5326.                     Left = 312
  5327.                     Top = 80
  5328.                     Width = 20
  5329.                     Height = 21
  5330.                     Caption = '...'
  5331.                     TabOrder = 5
  5332.                     OnClick = ValidTillDateClick
  5333.                   end
  5334.                   object NoRespondFor: TTntButton
  5335.                     Tag = 23
  5336.                     Left = 8
  5337.                     Top = 159
  5338.                     Width = 135
  5339.                     Height = 23
  5340.                     Caption = 'No Responder For...'
  5341.                     TabOrder = 9
  5342.                     OnClick = ListFileViewClick
  5343.                   end
  5344.                 end
  5345.               end
  5346.               object VoIPSheet: TTabSheet
  5347.                 Caption = 'VoIP'
  5348.                 ImageIndex = 106
  5349.                 object VoIPBox: TTntGroupBox
  5350.                   Left = 0
  5351.                   Top = 0
  5352.                   Width = 597
  5353.                   Height = 92
  5354.                   Align = alTop
  5355.                   Caption = 'VoIP'
  5356.                   TabOrder = 0
  5357.                   object VoIPTransferL: TTntLabel
  5358.                     Left = 26
  5359.                     Top = 65
  5360.                     Width = 93
  5361.                     Height = 13
  5362.                     Caption = 'Forward after (Sec):'
  5363.                   end
  5364.                   object VoIPNoCall: TTntRadioButton
  5365.                     Left = 8
  5366.                     Top = 17
  5367.                     Width = 137
  5368.                     Height = 17
  5369.                     Caption = 'No call forwarding'
  5370.                     Checked = True
  5371.                     TabOrder = 0
  5372.                     TabStop = True
  5373.                     OnClick = VoIPNoCallClick
  5374.                   end
  5375.                   object VoIPCall: TTntRadioButton
  5376.                     Left = 8
  5377.                     Top = 40
  5378.                     Width = 153
  5379.                     Height = 17
  5380.                     Caption = 'Forward calls to:'
  5381.                     TabOrder = 1
  5382.                     OnClick = VoIPNoCallClick
  5383.                   end
  5384.                   object VoIPCallTransfer: TTntEdit
  5385.                     Left = 161
  5386.                     Top = 38
  5387.                     Width = 189
  5388.                     Height = 21
  5389.                     MaxLength = 127
  5390.                     TabOrder = 2
  5391.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5392.                     OnClick = VoIPNoCallClick
  5393.                   end
  5394.                   object VoIPTransferAfter: TAdvancedEdit
  5395.                     Left = 318
  5396.                     Top = 62
  5397.                     Width = 51
  5398.                     Height = 21
  5399.                     TabOrder = 4
  5400.                     Text = '0'
  5401.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5402.                     OnClick = VoIPNoCallClick
  5403.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  5404.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  5405.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  5406.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5407.                   end
  5408.                   object CallTransferB: TTntButton
  5409.                     Tag = 4
  5410.                     Left = 349
  5411.                     Top = 38
  5412.                     Width = 20
  5413.                     Height = 21
  5414.                     Caption = '...'
  5415.                     TabOrder = 3
  5416.                     OnClick = CallTransferBClick
  5417.                   end
  5418.                 end
  5419.               end
  5420.               object BWUserSheet: TTntTabSheet
  5421.                 HelpContext = 1125
  5422.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  5423.                 ImageIndex = 7
  5424.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  5425.                 object UserBWGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
  5426.                   Left = 0
  5427.                   Top = 0
  5428.                   Width = 597
  5429.                   Height = 41
  5430.                   Align = alTop
  5431.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  5432.                   TabOrder = 0
  5433.                   object UserBW: TTntCheckBox
  5434.                     Left = 9
  5435.                     Top = 17
  5436.                     Width = 128
  5437.                     Height = 17
  5438.                     Caption = 'Active'
  5439.                     TabOrder = 0
  5440.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5441.                   end
  5442.                 end
  5443.               end
  5444.             end
  5445.             object GroupControl: TTntPageControl
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  5459.                 HelpContext = 366
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  5463.                   Left = 0
  5464.                   Top = 0
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  5466.                   Height = 65
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  5468.                   Caption = 'Group'
  5469.                   TabOrder = 0
  5470.                   object AliasGL: TTntLabel
  5471.                     Left = 9
  5472.                     Top = 17
  5473.                     Width = 25
  5474.                     Height = 13
  5475.                     Caption = 'Alias:'
  5476.                     FocusControl = GroupAlias
  5477.                   end
  5478.                   object DescGL: TTntLabel
  5479.                     Left = 9
  5480.                     Top = 40
  5481.                     Width = 56
  5482.                     Height = 13
  5483.                     Caption = 'Description:'
  5484.                     FocusControl = GroupDesc
  5485.                   end
  5486.                   object GroupFile: TTntEdit
  5487.                     Left = 120
  5488.                     Top = 37
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  5490.                     Height = 21
  5491.                     TabOrder = 2
  5492.                     Visible = False
  5493.                   end
  5494.                   object GroupAlias: TTntEdit
  5495.                     Tag = 13
  5496.                     Left = 120
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  5504.                   object GroupDesc: TTntEdit
  5505.                     Left = 120
  5506.                     Top = 37
  5507.                     Width = 281
  5508.                     Height = 21
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  5512.                   end
  5513.                 end
  5514.                 object GroupPublicFolder: TTntGroupBox
  5515.                   Left = 0
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  5520.                   Caption = 'Public Folder'
  5521.                   TabOrder = 1
  5522.                   object GroupNameL: TTntLabel
  5523.                     Left = 9
  5524.                     Top = 40
  5525.                     Width = 31
  5526.                     Height = 13
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  5528.                     FocusControl = GroupName
  5529.                   end
  5530.                   object GroupShared: TTntCheckBox
  5531.                     Left = 9
  5532.                     Top = 17
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  5534.                     Height = 17
  5535.                     Caption = 'Create a public folder'
  5536.                     TabOrder = 0
  5537.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5538.                   end
  5539.                   object GroupName: TTntEdit
  5540.                     Left = 120
  5541.                     Top = 37
  5542.                     Width = 281
  5543.                     Height = 21
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  5547.                   end
  5548.                   object GroupAB: TTntCheckBox
  5549.                     Left = 9
  5550.                     Top = 86
  5551.                     Width = 408
  5552.                     Height = 17
  5553.                     Caption = 'Populate Global Address List (GAL) with all members'
  5554.                     TabOrder = 3
  5555.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5556.                   end
  5557.                   object GroupDelivery: TTntCheckBox
  5558.                     Left = 9
  5559.                     Top = 64
  5560.                     Width = 456
  5561.                     Height = 17
  5562.                     Caption = 'Deliver mail to shared folder (Mail is not sent to members)'
  5563.                     TabOrder = 2
  5564.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5565.                   end
  5566.                   object GroupACLEdit: TTntButton
  5567.                     Left = 6
  5568.                     Top = 111
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  5570.                     Height = 23
  5571.                     Caption = 'Access Control List...'
  5572.                     TabOrder = 4
  5573.                     OnClick = ACLEditButtonClick
  5574.                   end
  5575.                 end
  5576.               end
  5577.               object GroupMembersSheet: TTntTabSheet
  5578.                 HelpContext = 369
  5579.                 Caption = 'Members'
  5580.                 ImageIndex = 52
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  5582.               object GroupMessageSheet: TTabSheet
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  5593.                   object GroupFValueL: TTntLabel
  5594.                     Left = 9
  5595.                     Top = 42
  5596.                     Width = 30
  5597.                     Height = 13
  5598.                     Caption = 'Value:'
  5599.                   end
  5600.                   object GroupFActionL: TTntLabel
  5601.                     Left = 9
  5602.                     Top = 20
  5603.                     Width = 33
  5604.                     Height = 13
  5605.                     Caption = 'Action:'
  5606.                   end
  5607.                   object GroupFromValue: TTntEdit
  5608.                     Left = 112
  5609.                     Top = 39
  5610.                     Width = 186
  5611.                     Height = 21
  5612.                     MaxLength = 127
  5613.                     TabOrder = 1
  5614.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5615.                   end
  5616.                   object GroupFromAction: TTntComboBox
  5617.                     Left = 112
  5618.                     Top = 16
  5619.                     Width = 186
  5620.                     Height = 21
  5621.                     Style = csDropDownList
  5622.                     ItemHeight = 13
  5623.                     TabOrder = 0
  5624.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5625.                     Items.Strings = (
  5626.                       'No change'
  5627.                       'Set to sender'
  5628.                       'Set to value')
  5629.                   end
  5630.                 end
  5631.                 object GroupReplyToBox: TTntGroupBox
  5632.                   Left = 0
  5633.                   Top = 66
  5634.                   Width = 622
  5635.                   Height = 66
  5636.                   Align = alTop
  5637.                   Caption = 'Reply-To: Header'
  5638.                   TabOrder = 1
  5639.                   object GroupRActionL: TTntLabel
  5640.                     Left = 9
  5641.                     Top = 20
  5642.                     Width = 33
  5643.                     Height = 13
  5644.                     Caption = 'Action:'
  5645.                   end
  5646.                   object GroupRValueL: TTntLabel
  5647.                     Left = 9
  5648.                     Top = 42
  5649.                     Width = 30
  5650.                     Height = 13
  5651.                     Caption = 'Value:'
  5652.                   end
  5653.                   object GroupReplyAction: TTntComboBox
  5654.                     Left = 112
  5655.                     Top = 16
  5656.                     Width = 186
  5657.                     Height = 21
  5658.                     Style = csDropDownList
  5659.                     ItemHeight = 13
  5660.                     TabOrder = 0
  5661.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5662.                     Items.Strings = (
  5663.                       'No change'
  5664.                       'Set to sender'
  5665.                       'Set to value')
  5666.                   end
  5667.                   object GroupReplyValue: TTntEdit
  5668.                     Left = 112
  5669.                     Top = 39
  5670.                     Width = 186
  5671.                     Height = 21
  5672.                     MaxLength = 127
  5673.                     TabOrder = 1
  5674.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5675.                   end
  5676.                 end
  5677.                 object GroupMessageBox: TTntGroupBox
  5678.                   Left = 0
  5679.                   Top = 132
  5680.                   Width = 622
  5681.                   Height = 147
  5682.                   Align = alTop
  5683.                   Caption = 'Message'
  5684.                   TabOrder = 2
  5685.                   object GroupAddToSubjL: TTntLabel
  5686.                     Left = 9
  5687.                     Top = 21
  5688.                     Width = 73
  5689.                     Height = 13
  5690.                     Caption = 'Add to Subject:'
  5691.                   end
  5692.                   object GroupAddHeadersL: TTntLabel
  5693.                     Left = 9
  5694.                     Top = 42
  5695.                     Width = 62
  5696.                     Height = 13
  5697.                     Caption = 'Edit headers:'
  5698.                   end
  5699.                   object GroupOL: TTntLabel
  5700.                     Left = 9
  5701.                     Top = 94
  5702.                     Width = 48
  5703.                     Height = 13
  5704.                     Caption = 'Originator:'
  5705.                   end
  5706.                   object GroupMessageSubject: TTntEdit
  5707.                     Left = 112
  5708.                     Top = 16
  5709.                     Width = 188
  5710.                     Height = 21
  5711.                     MaxLength = 127
  5712.                     TabOrder = 0
  5713.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5714.                   end
  5715.                   object GroupAddHeaders: TTntMemo
  5716.                     Left = 112
  5717.                     Top = 40
  5718.                     Width = 188
  5719.                     Height = 47
  5720.                     ScrollBars = ssVertical
  5721.                     TabOrder = 1
  5722.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5723.                   end
  5724.                   object GroupHeaderFooter: TTntButton
  5725.                     Tag = 15
  5726.                     Left = 8
  5727.                     Top = 116
  5728.                     Width = 113
  5729.                     Height = 23
  5730.                     Caption = 'Header / Footer...'
  5731.                     TabOrder = 3
  5732.                     OnClick = HeaderFooterButtonClick
  5733.                   end
  5734.                   object GroupOriginator: TTntComboBox
  5735.                     Left = 112
  5736.                     Top = 90
  5737.                     Width = 189
  5738.                     Height = 21
  5739.                     Style = csDropDownList
  5740.                     ItemHeight = 13
  5741.                     TabOrder = 2
  5742.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5743.                     Items.Strings = (
  5744.                       'Blank'
  5745.                       'Sender'
  5746.                       'Owner')
  5747.                   end
  5748.                 end
  5749.               end
  5750.               object GroupOptionsSheet: TTntTabSheet
  5751.                 HelpContext = 374
  5752.                 Caption = 'Options'
  5753.                 ImageIndex = 30
  5754.                 object GroupOptionsBox: TTntGroupBox
  5755.                   Left = 0
  5756.                   Top = 0
  5757.                   Width = 597
  5758.                   Height = 91
  5759.                   Align = alTop
  5760.                   Caption = 'Options'
  5761.                   TabOrder = 0
  5762.                   object GroupMaxSendOutL: TTntLabel
  5763.                     Left = 8
  5764.                     Top = 63
  5765.                     Width = 205
  5766.                     Height = 13
  5767.                     Caption = 'Max # of messages to send out in 1 minute:'
  5768.                   end
  5769.                   object GroupPass: TTntEdit
  5770.                     Left = 154
  5771.                     Top = 38
  5772.                     Width = 185
  5773.                     Height = 21
  5774.                     MaxLength = 127
  5775.                     PasswordChar = '*'
  5776.                     TabOrder = 2
  5777.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5778.                   end
  5779.                   object GroupPassProt: TTntCheckBox
  5780.                     Left = 9
  5781.                     Top = 41
  5782.                     Width = 136
  5783.                     Height = 17
  5784.                     Caption = 'Password protection'
  5785.                     TabOrder = 1
  5786.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5787.                   end
  5788.                   object GroupMembersOnly: TTntCheckBox
  5789.                     Left = 9
  5790.                     Top = 17
  5791.                     Width = 225
  5792.                     Height = 17
  5793.                     Caption = 'Only members can post new messages'
  5794.                     TabOrder = 0
  5795.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5796.                   end
  5797.                   object GroupMaxSendOut: TAdvancedEdit
  5798.                     Left = 290
  5799.                     Top = 61
  5800.                     Width = 49
  5801.                     Height = 21
  5802.                     TabOrder = 3
  5803.                     Text = '0'
  5804.                     OnChange = UserChange
  5805.                     EditMode = ctNumber
  5806.                     EditRangeEnabled = False
  5807.                     EditRangeStart = 0
  5808.                     EditRangeEnd = 0
  5809.                   end
  5810.                 end
  5811.                 object GroupTemplateBox: TTntGroupBox
  5812.                   Left = 0
  5813.                   Top = 91
  5814.                   Width = 597
  5815.                   Height = 52
  5816.                   Align = alTop
  5817.                   Caption = 'Template'
  5818.                   TabOrder = 1
  5819.                   object GroupTemplateButton: TTntButton
  5820.                     Tag = 15
  5821.                     Left = 8
  5822.                     Top = 20
  5823.                     Width = 113
  5824.                     Height = 23
  5825.                     Caption = 'Template...'
  5826.                     TabOrder = 0
  5827.                     OnClick = GroupTemplateButtonClick
  5828.                   end
  5829.                   object GroupApplyTemplateButton: TTntButton
  5830.                     Tag = 15
  5831.                     Left = 128
  5832.                     Top = 20
  5833.                     Width = 113
  5834.                     Height = 23
  5835.                     Caption = 'Apply Template'
  5836.                     TabOrder = 1
  5837.                     OnClick = GroupApplyTemplateButtonClick
  5838.                   end
  5839.                 end
  5840.               end
  5841.               object BWGroupSheet: TTntTabSheet
  5842.                 HelpContext = 1125
  5843.                 Caption = 'Rules'
  5844.                 ImageIndex = 7
  5845.                 OnShow = BWDomainSheetShow
  5846.                 object GroupBWBox: TTntGroupBox
  5847.                   Left = 0
  5848.                   Top = 0
  5849.                   Width = 597
  5850.                   Height = 41
  5851.                   Align = alTop
  5852.                   Caption = 'Rules'
  5853.                   TabOrder = 0
  5854.                   object GroupBW: TTntCheckBox
  5855.                     Left = 9
  5856.                     Top = 17
  5857.                     Width = 128
  5858.                     Height = 17
  5859.                     Caption = 'Active'
  5860.                     TabOrder = 0
  5861.                     OnClick = UserChange
  5862.                   end
  5863.                 end
  5864.               end
  5865.             end
  5866.           end
  5867.           object TopAccountPanel: TTntPanel
  5868.             Left = 0
  5869.             Top = 0
  5870.             Width = 630
  5871.             Height = 30
  5872.             Align = alTop
  5873.             BevelOuter = bvNone
  5874.             TabOrder = 0
  5875.             DesignSize = (
  5876.               630
  5877.               30)
  5878.             object SaveUserButton: TTntButton
  5879.               Left = 551
  5880.               Top = 3
  5881.               Width = 75
  5882.               Height = 23
  5883.               Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
  5884.               Caption = 'Save'
  5885.               Default = True
  5886.               Enabled = False
  5887.               TabOrder = 2
  5888.               OnClick = SaveUserButtonClick
  5889.             end
  5890.             object UserLabel: TTntEdit
  5891.               Left = 5
  5892.               Top = 4
  5893.               Width = 540
  5894.               Height = 21
  5895.               TabStop = False
  5896.               Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  5897.               Color = clBtnFace
  5898.               ReadOnly = True
  5899.               TabOrder = 0
  5900.             end
  5901.             object TemplatePanel: TTntPanel
  5902.               Left = 5
  5903.               Top = 4
  5904.               Width = 543
  5905.               Height = 22
  5906.               Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  5907.               BevelOuter = bvNone
  5908.               TabOrder = 1
  5909.               DesignSize = (
  5910.                 543
  5911.                 22)
  5912.               object TemplateLabel: TTntLabel
  5913.                 Left = 0
  5914.                 Top = 5
  5915.                 Width = 47
  5916.                 Height = 13
  5917.                 Caption = 'Template:'
  5918.               end
  5919.               object TemplateList: TTntComboBox
  5920.                 Left = 64
  5921.                 Top = 1
  5922.                 Width = 478
  5923.                 Height = 21
  5924.                 Style = csDropDownList
  5925.                 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
  5926.                 ItemHeight = 13
  5927.                 TabOrder = 0
  5928.                 OnChange = TemplateListChange
  5929.               end
  5930.             end
  5931.           end
  5932.         end
  5933.       end
  5934.       object UserPanelBox: TTntTreeView
  5935.         Left = 0
  5936.         Top = 0
  5937.         Width = 219
  5938.         Height = 603
  5939.         Align = alLeft
  5940.         DragMode = dmAutomatic
  5941.         HideSelection = False
  5942.         Images = ConfigForm.SmallImageList
  5943.         Indent = 19
  5944.         MultiSelect = True
  5945.         MultiSelectStyle = [msControlSelect, msShiftSelect]
  5946.         ReadOnly = True
  5947.         TabOrder = 0
  5948.         OnChange = UserPanelBoxChange
  5949.         OnCollapsed = UserPanelBoxCollapsed
  5950.         OnCollapsing = UserPanelBoxCollapsing
  5951.         OnContextPopup = UserPanelBoxContextPopup
  5952.         OnDblClick = UserPanelBoxDblClick
  5953.         OnDragDrop = UserPanelBoxDragDrop
  5954.         OnDragOver = UserPanelBoxDragOver
  5955.         OnExpanding = UserPanelBoxExpanding
  5956.         OnExpanded = UserPanelBoxCollapsed
  5957.         OnKeyDown = UserPanelBoxKeyDown
  5958.         OnKeyPress = UserPanelBoxKeyPress
  5959.         OnMouseDown = UserPanelBoxMouseDown
  5960.         OnMouseUp = UserPanelBoxMouseUp
  5961.       end
  5962.     end
  5963.   end
  5964. end